posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by miniatus
Man that takes me back. ICQ was one of the programs that was always open on my machine - along with mIRC and Netscape.
I never got into the code for ICQ but I did have all of the obligatory ( and illegal ) "add ons" that one could round up if one knew the right
people. Time is mixing things together in my mind - but I am pretty sure that my ICQ was also tweaked to work as either YIM Or AIM as well... though I
do remember, very clearly, having my AIM account yanked for shenanigans.
My thing was innocent enough, though today it would get a person thrown in prison for about 25 years... IRC war scripts. Writing Nuke and flood
scripts. Nothing fancy... but man was it fun. And all in the name of "keeping" an IRC channel - which was infinitely easier to discuss doing than to
actually do.
On the one hand I really miss those more wild-west and innocent times. On the other hand? It is rather nice to be able to surf the web for hours on
end without ever once getting browser jacked by BabylonX.