posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 03:10 PM
Long time lurker here but I decided to become a member because I finally have something to share! Last night I was recording with IR on my new camera
and I caught something strange. I was trying to film out the window but was getting nothing but glare so I was panning the camera around and it
stopped pointing at a bedroom door.
Anyway, I also downloaded some camera software that will detect and capture movement. For some reason the camera was coming on every 3-5 minutes for
about a 30 second capture...its was either the software itself or maybe the cats triggering it...But reviewing the videos this morning I found one
strange one and only one that had something in the picture.
About the 3 or 4 second mark a object travels from right to left at a high rate of speed at the top of the video. A few seconds go by and it comes
back into frame, does what appears as a looping maneuver then shoots back down the hall. I showed the the video to the family and creaped them out.
I'm baffled but to me it appears to be a rod not a orb.
Since I'm new I can only provide you with a utube link. This isn't a hoax, this is my cam and raw footage not altered in anyway. There are no
flies or insects I am aware of either. Please tell me what you think it might be. O one more thing, the camera is almost in a corner so I must have
stopped abruptly and went back or went through the wall and returned.