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Police arrest more than 250 in Montreal anti-police brutality protest

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posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 10:35 PM
Wow! I suppose protest and arrest is getting to be a common thing to see all over? I'm surprised I hadn't seen anything in search about it?

The 17th annual protest against police brutality wrapped up in Montreal with more than 250 people arrested and taken away on city buses and in police vehicles.

According to Montreal police, the majority of people were arrested under municipal bylaw P-6, which makes it illegal to cover one's face while taking part in a protest and for failing to provide authorities with an itinerary.

Interesting protest laws there.

Montreal police had been preparing for the worst in anticipation of the march. “We’re hoping for the best, but we’re getting ready for the worst,” said Montreal police Cmdr. Ian Lafrenière earlier today.

The demonstrations, which have been held in Montreal every March for the past 16 years, are meant to support International Day Against Police Brutality, but have been known to end with violence and mass arrests.

Anyone have personal experience with these events? I wonder if 'expecting the worst' didn't cause them to dress and act in a way to make it a self fulfilling prophecy? Protests down here tend to see enough of that happening. Especially ones planned for well in advance.

So no Guy Fawkes masks in Canada eh? How can one have a proper protest these days without at least one in the group? Better yet, all at once...those things creep me out for some reason. The cops would have kittens looking at a sea of them, looking back at them like the movie.

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I am from Montreal and have not participated in the event. The bylaws are quite on shaky grounds as far I know. However it goes both ways. During the Montebello demonstration against Bush visiting Canada, most of the "masked" protesters turned out to be undercover cops that got the demonstrators to go beyond the mandate of peaceful protest. Sort of teasing them on to action. Also Montreal is known for its Hockey riots, not due to pissed mad hokey fans but because many criminal elements see it as opportunity to smash and run with valuables.
So it's a mixed bag. Maybe the 200 some arrested are just undercover cops that didnt get the masses to actually riot. who knows? we find out at the courts.

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 10:50 PM
No violence

No aggression

No nothing.


Masks = Arrests.

Welcome to the NWO.

Canada is not immune to the elitist agenda of World control.

Unfortunately, we are few and the World is many. We are counting on help from the entire World to end this agenda of total World domination by the few. The majority can stop it only if we all get on the same page.

I have a feeling that time is very near.

Hang on people, it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better but as history has proven, we always win.

And beware the Agent Provocateur. These are the scumbags that need to be exposed and taken down first.


edit on 15-3-2013 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 10:52 PM
Quebec is a land of brutal cops,Crooked politicians, and mafia in and out of government.......they continue to
lead the country in police abuses, along with Ontario.

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by stirling
Quebec is a land of brutal cops,Crooked politicians, and mafia in and out of government.......they continue to
lead the country in police abuses, along with Ontario.

Sure! Or why else does any construction company in Montreal have an Italian name?

posted on Mar, 16 2013 @ 07:02 PM
I wish it was always a majority that stood up, and the government left office quickly knowing they were not in good position when they oppose the people. That is how its supposed to be.

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