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Will there be riots in US if Bush wins?

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posted on Nov, 1 2004 @ 11:09 AM
The last election there were some action around the white house, Mr Bush could not do the "presidential walk" because of the angry mobs howling the streets.
How will it be this year after 4 years of fullfilling the fears of last elections protesters? (If he gets reelected)

[edit on 1-11-2004 by Thomas Crowne]

[edit on 1-11-2004 by Kollapse]

posted on Nov, 1 2004 @ 11:16 AM
Probably will be some very pizzed people, who will be tear gassed, beaten with nightsticks and generally abused, maybe even killed in similar fashion to the Boston incident. Of course they will be decried as tree-hugging liberal scum who should have gotten that treatment iregardless of their actions, since to voice displeasure is to be unpatriotic.

edit: spelling error thanks to lousy school keyboards

[edit on 1-11-2004 by alternateheaven]

posted on Nov, 1 2004 @ 11:21 AM
More likely to be riots if he wins, true. Not because he is the worst choice, by no means, just that the types to be against him are more likely to do things like riot and break things that are not theirs.

Worse than how things will be after four more years of Bush is how bad things could be after four years of Kerry.

Alternate, "irr"regardless? What is that; not regarding nothing?

posted on Nov, 1 2004 @ 11:21 AM
I can't imagine how bad it will be. At the 2001 inauguration, people were pissed off because of the whole voter fraud fiasco in Florida, but they haven't seen the man in action yet. So, based off of current voting problems (I'm predicting even more tommorrow), especially in key states, along with the unbelievable mess Bush has brought to America, I'm sure there will be, in the least, a HUGE protest if he is reelected, especially if he's reelected due to fraud again.

Want to point out that these voting "problems" keep seeming to help Bush.

[edit on 11/1/2004 by ledbedder20]

posted on Nov, 1 2004 @ 11:26 AM
You mean like this riot? Take areal good oook at the picture at the bottom of that page...

posted on Nov, 1 2004 @ 11:33 AM
If George W. Bush wins,

I believe there will be a large amount of protesters who will oppose freedom of speech circles.

I've heard rumblings of organized mobs, anarchists, protesters, enviromentalists, women, gay people, french, arabic americans, muslim americans, human beings, all prepared to wage a unified protest riot.

Marshall law will be address in the nation. The patriot act will be resigned and continue to exsist. The government will continue to shrink, removing most of the content that belongs to people.

Vote for Bush the sheppard to the sheep that continue to sleep!

posted on Nov, 1 2004 @ 11:50 AM
Uh, take it from a sheep who is literate, the word you are trying to use is martial, martial law. A syntaxer should know this!!
Thurgood Marshall did not invent this!!

Oh, I'm sorry; I woke up after 5 hours of sleep and am a bit sluggish in the humor department. No, on second thought, that's funny - I don't care who you are, that's funny!

Ledbetter, since Bush wasn't elected due to vorter fraud to begin with, your argument is based on inaccuracy. After the votes in Florida had been counted by everyone numerous times, Bush was the victor. That the election was stolen was nothing more than a DNC ploy, just as the "disenfranchisemnet" BS Kerry speaks of today. After expensive and extensive hearings by the U.S. Civil Rights Commision, not even one, one, disenfranchised voter could be turned up. So why do you continue the Fraud" charade even though the fraud itself is a fraud?

An unbelievable mess brought to this country, Led. Wow, that thars some strong language. Truth of the matter is the unemployment rate is great, the economy has recovered from the most horrific attack on our soil which was not only directed at our civilians but also the heart of our economy, our commander in chief has struck at our enemy in two major places and in smaller areas that you have no need to know about all over the world and we haven't had another hit, yet. If you think this is an unbelievable mess, I'd like to know what you think Hell is. Things are actually pretty darned good once we move on from rehetoric. Not only that, things are moving toward the betterment, and that is also a good thing and a good reason to not change Captains of this ship.

I wouldn't be surprised, though, if the left protests after the election. That is what they do - protest.

posted on Nov, 1 2004 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Uh, take it from a sheep who is literate, the word you are trying to use is martial, martial law. A syntaxer should know this!!
Thurgood Marshall did not invent this!!

since Bush wasn't elected due to vorter fraud to begin with, your argument is based on inaccuracy.

Maybe he had Eminem in his thoughts as he wrote. Marshall Mathers.

What is vorter by the way? Now I think thats funny.

posted on Nov, 1 2004 @ 12:11 PM
Please use the existing thread to discuss this topic:

Edward's Wife: "No riots if we win" (Will there be riots?)

Thread Closed

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