posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 07:09 PM
hi all.
when I was in high school in the 1950s, at one Pope election, I seemed to recall a prediction, sort of, being made.
[google could not find info, I do not know the Right Keywords!]If I recall aright, there is a bust of each pope in the niches in the Peter's dome, or
somewheres. the Niches were by then nearly filled up! there was only a few open Niches left for succeeding pope's heads to be placed.
But is this true? I never hear about this prediction anymore, maybe they are all filled a couple of popes ago. IF there is only one niche left, the
one for Francis, this might be Big News indeed!
so please, you all, is there such a "prediction" out there, that when all of the niches are filled, there will be no more popes?!!