Hi there fellow ATSers! Hope you're all having a good evening, morning, afternoon, etc...
I really didn't think that this would be my first thread. Even now, I'm having second thoughts about typing this OP, but this situation is playing
on my mind and it won't let me be, so bear with us a sec, yeah?
So I'm a 2012 graduate in London, living with the parents. The employment scene is hard here to say the least, like almost everywhere else at the
moment, and a lot of young people have been left out in the cold not knowing which direction they want to take their lives in.
I had to quit my last job after New Years'; having keratoconus without contact lenses (now controlled, thankfully) prevented me from doing the
specific tasks my role entailed. No one wants a employment gap on their CV, including the Department of Work and Pensions. As such, along with a
number of other graduates, school-leavers and young offenders, I was carted off into the cut-throat but rewarding world of volunteering!
In the past two months I've gained a whole new skill set, made a slew of new friends, and even an interview that lead to trial shifts/an induction
for a real job! It's also given me time to start working on my art again (animation grad) so it's been an awesome experience. Except for one
I met a girl. (dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunn...)
Well, a woman. I mean, she's over eighteen, right?
But yeah, I didn't expect it, and even now, it's annoying me.
On the day that she started, I was given orders that took me all around our tiny shop floor. To my immense consternation, she always happened to get
to my next destination just before me (doing a separate task). I just remember getting kinda frustrated ("This girl just keeps messing with my stock
count, like ffs dude..."), but then... but then, she turned around.
She has the... kindest face ever. That's really the only way I can explain it. She is pretty, but that's not it. Her face in general just looks very
kind and inviting. It won me over right away.
All of the staff got to know each other pretty well. We talk a lot (more than we should have, definitely) and genuinely enjoy going into work for free
(well, we are getting benefits, but at least we're trying!). Of course, when I knew she would be in, it made the day more "complete" and at ease,
like everything was right with the world.
When we talked, we found that we had... not loads in common, but it seemed to gel (both listen to the same kinds of music; I play the piano, she
always wanted to learn; we share the same political views; she dislikes most animals save cats, I love my cat, etc)
I'm not a funny guy, but I can tell a few jokes... mostly stupid ones. But even those had her genuinely laughing. I could take the absolute mick out
myself and not feel as if she thought of me any less. She would do the exact same thing, and she'd sometimes pull these really funny faces that I've
never seen women pull before. She was just so serene, man. Never said a bad word about anyone, and always gave credit where it was due.
Soon enough, it's like all I ever wanted to do in the shop was make her smile or laugh. I felt sparks there, and I'm pretty sure (as are a couple of
my staff-mates) that she left some subtle hints too. But I was too chicken to even ask her to lunch.
Of course, I was warned. "Dude, we're here to get jobs, and she might leave tomorrow. Ask her now!" But my grandmother always said, "Those who
don't hear will feel."
Boy, was she right.
She got a job last week and called in to tell my manager. While bringing down some heavy boxes from the stockroom upstairs, I saw my manager standing
at the foot of them. The look on her face told me all I needed to know.
Knowing how distraught I was (well, ecstatic that she found work but otherwise whyyyyy
), she actually searched for my staff-mate on Facebook, but
to no avail. She did tell me what kind of job she got, the type of company she was to work in and even the general area, but that's all the info that
was left.
So... yeah. For a whole week, I've been ruminating about this. Leave it or chase her? Yes, I've become that crazy.
Let me make things clear. I only want to ask her out for lunch or a drink when we're both free at some point (as said before, I might have a new job
or two lined up soon). That's all. If she were to say no, then whatever. At least I tried. But that's why it's bugging me - I never asked in the
first place!
I'm not in love... not really sure what that is, and I'm only twenty-one so I might even be too young. But whatever I am feeling right now isn't
showing any signs of leaving, so where to go from here?
I freaking love this site. There are so many passionate people here, and I honestly haven't met anyone that I truly dislike, so every single post,
whether it be a piece of blunt advice or even a troll is duly welcome.
Many thanks in advance, people!