posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 05:44 AM
Read an article about the good ole Rothschilds. It seems there are 5 countries who's banks are not controlled by the Rothschilds ... North Korea, the
Sudan, Syria, Libya and Iran. We've seen what happened in Libya. We see the troubles in Syria. Iran with nukes? For some strange reason, I just do
not believe the media about this one. All of a sudden North Korean says they're going to attack the U.S. The North Korean 'leader' must be pretty
darn stupid to make that threat. Exactly what does he have that he can attack the U.S. with??
Back to Libya for a moment ... Ghaddafi did NOT want his country's banks controlled and he told them so. Well, well, what happened to him? Same
thing that happened to Pres. John F. Kennedy when he bucked the 'system'.