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posted on May, 11 2003 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by JCDenton
saddams regime = no longer.....?

lol tony blair is cool

Actually your wrong on that note. Elements of the regime are still in power

posted on May, 11 2003 @ 04:45 PM
I got one, how about you Anti-Americans/Brit's give me some good reasons why you hate Bush and Blair so much instead of your lame "Demon Dweller and The Pork With the Tie" BS. Are you upset to see the Iraqi people free after countless years of torture and inhumanity? Are you guys still mad we drove the terrorists out of Afghanistan? Or is it just because some of you are stubborn and just fell like jumping on the Anti-American bandwagon for the hell of it?

posted on May, 11 2003 @ 06:59 PM
One thing I hate is when people associate general dissent with terrorist sympathising. You see, in our countries, we still have the remnants of freedom. We are still allowed to show discontent and lack of faith in our governments. See, we remember that the government is here to serve us, not the other way around.

Things arn't as black and white as your government has you trained to think. You are not either with us, or against us...thats absolutely ridiculous. There is no Good and Evil.

We only have one life on this planet. There is no dress rehersal or Saturday Matinee. you dont get to try things for a 2nd time. Just this, here and now.

Thats what democracy is all about. But then you don't live in a democracy anymore. And I will be damned if we end up like you.

posted on May, 11 2003 @ 07:16 PM
Who says US citizens and even politicians can't show disappointment and lack of faith in their government without being penalized? Look at Senator Dashle (Sp?) and some of the other lefties, they're constantly attacking Bush for everything he does, are they penalized for it? NO! America is one of the free countries in the world, and that's what makes it a great country. We aren't like the old Iraq and Sad� am killing everyone that disagrees with the gov. It's ok to be afraid of democracy but it does work, just look at us.....

posted on May, 11 2003 @ 07:25 PM
You make the example that your politicians are free to question your government? What could possibly happen to them? jailed? Murdered? Hardly. Get some protesters out in the street voicing their opinion, expressing their rights and expressing their worry over the direction of you are goin in and see what treatment they get.

"The Congress, by Public Law 85-529, as amended, has designated May 1 of each year as "Loyalty Day," and I ask all Americans to join me in this day of celebration and in reaffirming our allegiance to our Nation.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim May 1, 2003, as Loyalty Day. I call upon all the people of the United States to join in support of this national observance. I also call upon government officials to display the flag of the United States on all government buildings on Loyalty Day. "

Loyalty Day? Right around the time when traditional May Day protests take place all over? What a coincidence! Now you can look forward to being arrested for not being patriotic!

posted on May, 11 2003 @ 07:29 PM
go bush! go blair!

the demoncats would have cowarded behind the u.s. borders had the WTC fallen on their watch. maybe gore would have blown up an enpty asprin facotry or something.

posted on May, 11 2003 @ 07:33 PM
"Get some protesters out in the street voicing their opinion, expressing their rights and expressing their worry over the direction of you are goin in and see what treatment they get." Sorry Cargo, but as long as protests are peaceful and non-violent no one will be arrested. You can protest whenever you want here and you wont be arrested or attacked unless you turn hostile towards police officals.

[Edited on 12-5-2003 by Midnight Mutilator]

posted on May, 11 2003 @ 07:34 PM
Ignoring the Loyalty Day coincidence? Care to comment?

posted on May, 11 2003 @ 07:42 PM
May Day protest? What are you talking about? All the President did was make a Loyalty Day to express allegiance to our Nation and its founding ideals. Why wouldn't protesters be able to protest on this day? Sure some can consider it Un-Patriotic or whatever but your still allowed to protest. We're a free people. And if it bothers you that much there's 30 other days you can choose to protest on as well.

posted on May, 11 2003 @ 07:44 PM
Answer me this MM, do you really need a day reminding you to be loyal to your country?

posted on May, 11 2003 @ 07:52 PM
I don't think it�s a bad idea. On Loyalty Day we express allegiance to our Nation and its founding ideals, we resolve to ensure that the blessings of liberty endure and extend for generations to come. It's only 1 day out of 365 and it probably wont be promoted as much as say the 4th of July. The meaning of this day is to only help young children understand our roots of this country and why it is so great today.

posted on May, 11 2003 @ 07:53 PM
Cargo its a tradition to pick days for celebrations and reminders which are relevant, take today for instance its Mother's day.

Cargo again with the stereotypes about Americans not deserting are you sure at the right site. Here is the thing Cargo the majority of Americans are not deserting because they think there government is doing the right thing (What wrong that never happened in your country?)

Realize this occurred despite the extent of cultural diversification. People from all over the world live here Cargo and despite that the polls are clear 70% agree with what our government is

And you know what else Cargo Bush and Blair really do rock!!!

[Edited on 12-5-2003 by Toltec]

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