posted on Mar, 14 2013 @ 05:55 AM
Originally posted by n00bUK
Wait a minture..I'm not allowed to say "does he talk in that language in random parts because I don't understand what hes saying"
Yet somebody can say
"Does he recommend beating your wife, like a lot of Sharia proponents do? " is a joke sometimes
How DARE you!? You Sonofabitch!!
Looks like you got oomebody's bad side...uh oh.
Back on topic:
44. Give her the gifts of the tongue
I know this one! XD Technically its the only one you need, but...
Yeah, this is actually a very good list. It just reinforces my own thoughts on relationships and love.
Of course, it won't work, or won't matter, if you are not with the right person...or if you or your partner are not READY for true love... Sometimes
you may have the right person, but one of you is not ready for true love... not ready for the commitment, the devotion, not ready to accept that
person for all that they are, not ready to make the sacrifices... Sometimes things work out, but not the first time around. And just to clarify, I
don't believe there is only one right person out there for each of us. We can be compatible with many different people. And you may surprise yourself
with who you can be compatible with.
When you are with a "right" person, you will WANT to do all these things. You will want to male her happy because your happiness is interconnected.
So if you're selfish, like me, and you like to make yourself happy, you will do amazing and tremendous gestures of romance to make her as happy as
possible, but not in a clingy corny way... You will know exactly what she wants and how she wants it, so don't worry about that anyway. You will just
do it automatically. And then you will reap the rewards
Which reminds me, they made that list too short. There should be nine more things on it. Then it would be just about right