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A thin blue line and the similarity of Chavez and JFK

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posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 07:04 PM
Hello All,

Many have taken notice of the death of Chavez and the outpouring of sympathy by his people. The US corporatism hated Chavez, but his working peoples loved him. So, Why? Did the US love JFK in a similar way and we fail to note the connections? Lets take a look....

Part 1:

The analogy between Chavez and Castro is what is most important to know, or realize. Chavez nationalized the oil refineries to help his people and one can see he is very popular for helping the poor. This also extended to the US with free heating oil to the poor and even free energy efficient light bulbs to the poor in the US.

Chavez and Castro are similar, as Castro also nationalized the oil companies of Cuba over a tanker load of oil the Russians gave to Cuba that the US big oil companies refused to refine for Castro. Castro had a fix and that was to take over the oil refineries and process the Russian oil.

That soon followed with US corporations in Cuba causing problems and Castro extending the kick the US corporations totally out of Cuba, then alliances with Russia. A combination of French Banking Rothschild and Schlumberger oil services person named Jean DeMenil, of Houston, got Castro into power over Batista, but the Russian's pulled some political games with Castro with the free oil. DeMenil's game backfired badly.

It was this dispute that had the CIA trying to kill Castro, which escalated into the Cuban Missile Crisis and the battle of JFK with the Communists, the big oil gang in Texas, the Joint Chiefs and so on. DeMenil was part of the PERMINDEX and Bilderburg gang, and supplied weapons to the New Orleans kill Castro operations at Lake Pontchartrain.

One should see that Chavez would be a target of the CIA, just as much as Castro was and is, and the same kill with cancer game could well be still in the play book. So, one sees both the Russians and the regional America's supporters for Chavez have that like opinion.

Part 2:

What these smaller America's don't like is the corporation invasion of their countries that gain so much economic power in the private sector as to be able to dictate to the local governments. The Corporations are financed by the big international bankers and that money is held largely by the Bilderburg related holdings.

At issue is what is Socialism, as all the private big banking interests all call the US Constitution Socialism because it calls for "We The People" to always maintain control over the money and return profits to the Govt and not to private holdings that then become more economically powerful than the Govt.

This follows the same lines of Nathan Rothschild's telling let us have control over the money and we basically control the political process and the country. What the lesser America's all try to do is prevent that and maintain good control of their Govt., but the Private Banking/corporatism calls that Socialism or Communism and they hate they can't gain control of these areas. How they attack those that limit their attempts to take over using banking and corporatism methods is call them Socialists or Communists and try to kill their leaders and replace them with one of their lap dogs.

But to put things in proper perspective, this same group of private wealth builders also would be calliing the founding Fathers and Constitutional authors as all Communists or Socialists. At hand is why the Constitution called for not letting that happen and not get caught up in these Royalist's wars for more wealth and control over regions.

Those that understand the extremes of capitalism and private wealth all understand these problems and JFK did understand these factors. Joe Kennedy was under FDR and both Joe and FDR well understood the Royalist's agenda, and Joe was even assigned to Britain as Ambassador. JFK toured Germany in the run up for WWII, and JFK and Forrestal toured Germany after the fall. Both JFK and Forrestal knew way too much of the Royalist's agendas and how they would accomplish power via corporate tactics similar to IG Farben's ways and the rebirth of that ideal was Bilderberg methods and PERMINDEX.

Nothing has changed much as the War of Independence was about freedom from the Royalists, the resistance of the Smaller America's is all about freedom from the Royalists methods, and basically many middle road socialism based countries more follow the ideals of the US Constitution than the US. JFK went after the Fed Res over these factors showing he well knew how the Royalist's banking games hurt freedom of Americans, and in so many ways ran the Govt itself. JFK rebelled against this fascist empire methods of the Royalists and didn't support them, just as Castro, just as Chavez, et al.

Part 3:

So, the lessons from Chavez are important to realize, and why he is called Socialist and Communist. Recall that JFK was called Socialist and Communist on the day he was killed in Dallas. JFK was doing some of the same cutting the powers of private interests to dominate Govt. as that which Chavez did for his people's real freedoms.

When JFK cut the Executive Order to make US Notes that signaled to the Royalist's banking powers that he was following the Constitution's wise advice and that advise would stop the domination of America by the latest Royalist's games for world power using corporatism and banking usury.

JFK was intent upon returning the economic freedom of Americans and ending the powers of private wealth building to dominate over Governments. JFK understood that Socialism was more closely aligned with Constitutional ideas than the Private wealth mechanisms of Fed Res bankers and corporation extreme money powers.

Recall that Khrushchev fully predicted the US would fall from within and this was totally happening in the times of JFK and both JFK and Khrushchev understood the process that would steal American's Freedom. JFK sought peace with Russia and Cuba and that really burned those fascist's seeking huge economic power over the world. Most American's don't realize they cut their own throats by not being mindful of these histories.

JFK was becoming friends with Russia and Cuba and that mean't game over for the Royalists, their games for usury, Fed Res, and all that.

Now, the same Royalist's hate is expressed toward the Islamic countries that don't allow usury methods, so they can't gain economic controls over these areas and thus these foreign wars of religions flare up and rape the US economically to support Royalist's wants for fascist type world take over. Jefferson's Constitutional wisdom warned us about allowing that to happen also.

Islam doesn't charge usury, but what happens is more the Kings/Sultans/etc become partners with the various businesses, so the money flow goes into both the People and the Kings. In the US some of the properties that do the same is the Employee owned companies, one generally finds these in food co-op groups, companies like Publix grocery and others. Those methods break some of the corporate methods to gain great wealth and more make the We The People more real partner and more share the wealth.

So, the Constitution visions of maintain control over the money and wealth building using usury is much the same. One can chose to return and share the wealth with the people, or one can wrongly chose to allow that vast wealth to go only into a few private holdings and watch Royalist like fascist methods take over your wealth and your freedom. These were the enemies of both Chavez and really JFK in his plight to return to Constitutional values and the wisdom of Jefferson and others that broke from the Royalist's games for Empire and the sucker games played on Americans.

End (Note---Yes, I composed all those thoughts)

Now, we know the passion for JFK still lives long and strong for the memory of JFK because he worked for We The People and everyone recognized he came up against a huge fascist foe. Could we now recognize a similar reverence for Chavez by the peoples of Venezuela? I personally see amazing similarities and there is nothing new since the US rejected the Royalists via the Revolutionary War and the wise thoughts that came to be the US Constitution. It appears Chavez understood those words of Jefferson and the Founding Fathers far better than any American in the US these days. But, all the folks in these other America's see the real greatness of JFK, as they do for Chavez.

edit on 11-3-2013 by MagnumOpus because: Finding the middle ground on similarities and the same problems keep coming around.

posted on Mar, 15 2013 @ 08:32 AM
Paul Craig Roberts, the Asst Sec of Treasury, speaks to the similar views on the Chavez resistance to the fascist like control of the Royalist's money machine:

His is a well put explanation for what is and has been happening and how other countries view the US. The loss of control of Govt. by the US People is the issue, and how the US people are used and abused to do the bidding of the fascist type system.

edit on 15-3-2013 by MagnumOpus because: Added Robert's insights

posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 11:41 AM
As Chavez is laid to rest down in South America, his legacy shall not be forgotten. JFK and Chavez appeared to share similar passions for their people and building and holding high Constitution Values that freed the people rather than made them economic slaves.

It appears too many have forgotten or never really knew the values for JFK's legacy that he wanted for Americans, as the ruling elites did not want JFK's knowledge and repairs for freedom to be known or to be allowed.

JFK took on the Oil Patch, and so did Chavez. JFK took on the Federal Reserve and so did Chavez.

JFK valued peace and so did Chavez. The ruling elites and their Joint Chiefs wanted another war, and JFK took up peace.

The founding fathers of the US warned against the US being trapped into foreign wars for the elites, and JFK was pulling out of Vietnam. Chavez learned to just avoid them, as our nations founding fathers well advised. Chavez kicked out the Royalist's banking methods and even put in place a larger set of alliances that kept them out of South America.

JFK inherited the Cuban Crisis because Castro kicked out the oil people in the US from Cuba. Russian offed Castro a ship load of oil the American corporations refused to refine for Castro and Cuba, so the oil business in Cuba was nationalized. That worked so well that Castro nationalized all the US Corporate interests in Cuba.

It was this process of learning that Chavez well knew about how the Royalist's power take over a countries politics, elect their leaders, and destroy the people's rights and freedoms. Chavez was a JFK on steroids, and where JFK was going in a better direction, Chavez completed the JFK mission for South America.

If anyone knows of JFK's values for America and its Constitution, then they see a lot of that echoed by what Chavez did for his people and their rights and freedoms from economic exploitation.

Read on below and remember to reflect back to the problems of JFK in the 1960-1963 for his term in office and just what pathway he sought for Americans:

Chavez instilled "solidarity and mutual support," said Petras. He changed Venezuela's power balance. He shifted it from ruling elites and corrupt politicians to ordinary people.


He challenged imperial Washington. "You don't fight terrorism with state terrorism," he said.


No constitution anywhere matches it. It's a living document. Venezuelans cherish it. It shames America's.


Chavez instilled "solidarity and mutual support," said Petras. He changed Venezuela's power balance. He shifted it from ruling elites and corrupt politicians to ordinary people.


Nothing is more challenging than transforming longstanding money power-run states to socially democratic ones. Chavez "largely succeeded," said Petras.

He radically changed Venezuela progressively. His redistributive policies work. He used the nation's oil wealth responsibly.

Lendman also wrote a book that hits a home run for American's Freedom:

edit on 17-3-2013 by MagnumOpus because: Reflections and learning from the past.


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