posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 03:51 PM
I want to start off by saying I am not predicting anything, at all, but only sharing a dream of mine which has really "stuck" with me.
Before I had this dream, the topic circulating was NK's "threat" of a preemptive nuclear strike on the U.S. I had been exposed to the information
(only a little; between skimming an article and verbal discussion). Anyways, that night I go to bed. I have to note a few things: I just turned 16. I
have no permit or license yet, so no car. This dream was VERY vivid and literally FELT everything, all my senses were acute. I hardly ever remember my
dreams or dream while I am asleep, so this is the first one I have had and remembered with detail in months or perhaps a year.
Now, the dream:
I attain clarity (aware of the dream, but not in control) which seems to be in the middle of the dream. Instantly, I am in my car (which I will have
once I have my permit/license) and about to pull up in my house's driveway and I notice through my windshield off to the distance there are a
plethora of orbs. They looked like typical UFO orbs! Being my curious self, I parked in the middle of the road mid-turn and got out of the car to get
a better look. In truth, I am not really sure why I did it in such a hurried manner.. perhaps I was expecting something?
So, I am out of the car now and looking in the distance at the objects. They're bright white and grouped together, accelerating at very quick speeds.
Then, once they get close enough for me to see them; that's when the first bomb dropped. I felt the vibrations. I felt my heartbeat increase
substantially. By the time the first bomb had went off, I had already ran under the car-port. I feel the rest of the impacts around my house and in
the area, as I go to reach the doorknob, the dream ends. The 'bombs' didn't seem nuclear, though. Just a cluster of missiles.
Take of it as you want. I am still indecisive in regards of what significance I grant to this dream. Assuming this dream is precognitive and a look
into the future, then this 'event' happens when I have my permit. Which is easily at least six months or more from now.