posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 02:43 PM
I had been plotting this great adventure for a few days now. And in light of the recent attempts to slander the good name of our Lord and Savior His
Tastiness, the Almighty Bacon. I was determined to do what was necessary to make this masterpiece a reality. I just had to bide my time until the
moment was right, more specifically a day when I wasn't busy. Today was that day.
When I woke up this morning my stomach was rumbling something fierce...and I knew it was time.
So after throwing down a pot of coffee, I got cooking.
I fired up the grill, we manned the frying pan and pre-heated the oven.
Go time.
It had to be perfect though, there would be no cutting of corners here, not on this day.
After 4 hours the Chilli had finally reached it's zenith.
It was time for the Steak!
The grill was ready, practically licking it's lips in anticipation of it's bloody task.
After a quick sear on each side we all knew what was to come next.
The sweet motherly embrace of the Holiest of Holies.
Oh the joy of those wonderfully smothering hot minutes.
Finally it had come to the moment of truth, The Coup de Grace.
And Yay they became as One!
I give you:
The Bacon Chilli Steakwich!!
edit on 10-3-2013 by watchitburn because: (no reason given)