posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 08:43 AM
Originally posted by Phage
It appears that feeding chickens roundup (or a generic version) is a bad idea.
Feeding them food treated with or crops grown while being treated with roundup is pretty unavoidable in a commercial setting if the corn, soy and
other ingredients have
Considering up to 85% of all corn and 91% of all Soy grown in the US is now GMO or 'Roundup Ready', an off the cuff, curt remark about not feeding
Chickens Roundup isn't helpful to the issue is it, as it would obviously be pretty difficult to NOT feed them crops that are both GMO, and sprayed
with glyphosate (roundup) chemicals.
A recent study over two years, (September 2012) published in the journal 'Food and Chemical Toxicology' have shown the effects of feeding RR corn
(Monsanto GMO variety NK603), also treated with Roundup indicated massively increased Cancerous tumour growth in lab rats, of 80% of those exposed
over a period of time, compared to 30% incidence rate in a control group.
The chickens and other animals we farm, eat these Genetically Modified Organisms sprayed with glyphosate / Roundup and then people eat the meat and
dairy products from those animals.
Besides the risks, some known and Christ only knows how many yet to be discovered, of GMO to our health, the farms are now discovering that a six fold
increase in the use of glyphosate on crops are causing the emergence of what they term 'Superweeds' that are resistant to RR and other chemicals, a
little like the incurable 'Superbugs' emerging in our hospitals from overuse of antibiotics in humans and farm animals we eat.
Which makes both GMO and glyphosate ultimately useless and dangerous to farming, food production and Human health at the same time.
But a $38 Billion dollar Monsanto would strongly argue against such things, although i've no idea why that would be...have you?