posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by jimmiec
No worries.
It's just that some people get all herbal remedy alt medicine happy on top of prescriptions, and they understand absolutely noting about drug
interactions and how prescribed medications are balanced against drug interaction tables for efficacy
People can die by creating a toxic drug interaction reaction through introduction of herbal remedies, alternative medicines, and/or anything else not
prescribed by a physician.
Using a Neti pot with a warm saline solution to irrigate the sinuses is fine.
A menthol humidor isn't going to hurt anything either.
Vitamins are also fine, so long as they're not abused to overdose.
Whatever the case, it's always recommended to keep the physician in the loop.
Feel free to read reports and papers on Medscape, or any other website, NIH, USDH, or even home remedy sites, but, I wouldn't recommend putting
anything you learn, or find to action without first consulting with the physician.