posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by PrincessSerena
Princess Serena - I know you from the Waiting Game thread. I am proud of you for posting, knowing your hesitation.
I know that many strange, wonderful and scary things have happened to me in my life, that to others may sound ridiculous, made up or delusions. But
they are not. And I cannot say what is real for you or not.
But if there is such a thing as reincarnation (I'm not sure if all lives/incarnations are happening at the same time, outside of Time or linear
fashion), this life might be the one where you are to break the old pattern and break free. And that may mean not waiting for or looking for this man,
this person in this "incarnation" to repeat a pattern. Maybe, just maybe, it's time to exercise free choice and will, to be who you choose to be,
and do/not do what you choose. Alone. As an individual free of pattern and repeating the same program.
Consider thanking this person telepathically, forgiving and forgiven for past actions, grateful for the lessons learned together, but forge ahead with
your own, new life and will. Perhaps the best course of action is to send him love and light, and move on to your own path.
Wishing all the best.