posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 08:15 PM
Someone else mentioned the industrial/run-down/apocalyptic surrounding town - there are definitely two parts of town (at least). There is a
beautiful, white / stone arts and culture district by the water. There are tall bluffs where you can look down at the beach. Trails from here go to
a nice-ish residential area. 1930s-era family homes, walkable, friendly, safe. Sometimes go to parties or dinners in these houses.
Then there is the industrial area. I've taken the subway there - you come up the stairs from underground to a gray - rust - black colored area.
There are a few street vendors, I saw one guy selling cheap paintings, another guy selling jewelry and sunglasses. There's not a lot to do, just walk
around and get your bearings. If you go uphill / right from the subway station, there are lots of traintracks and old brick buildings. Dusty, ugly,
but not scary in particular. I went farther "up", then left, to the waterfront, and there was a beautiful old mansion there. It had an art museum
If you take the highway across the water from this mansion, you reach the mall. The industrial part is "old town", the Mall seems to be in the fancy
part of town with white Greek architecture and lots of landscaping.
edit on 6-8-2013 by rawheroine because: (no reason given)