posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 04:49 AM
The new world order has been getting stronger among the modern world order.
Times and laws change when the powers behind the new world order desire them to.
We are talking man's laws and the laws of nature, because the new world order is ran by a physical man and his ghost partner. Do you believe in
ghosts? Well there is a ghost on the loose that operates like a capo for their don. Some will say that the don is Satan himself, and his capo is
Babylon The Great. But many of you don't believe in the characters of the books located in the bible.
I've notice people disappear mysteriously. But the thing these people had in common was they were for doing something that goes against the powers
behind the new world order.
The powers behind the new world order are ascending up right where they take stand.
They make people against them, move! Like out of the God damn way. It seems that the only thing on their mind is great power to make merry between
Can any of you stop a lethal ghost that can even step in the physical form when she desires to?
Supernatural forces are at play in this craft we call the universe. You got to watch your front, back, and center.
I think there are money making plans underway for those behind the new world order. And money is far from paper money in their eyes. For their kind of
money is what will make them richer than any billionaire.
I predict a made man and a made woman to unite here on this planet, whose love between is untouchable and unstoppable. For the mystery of the new
world order is a beautiful thing which will go against the world like a wirlwind.
Two quick vile people will stand up upon this planet after their first stage of their plan is completed. They will establish some sort of fortress
that will spell out DOOM to the whole planet, because it is going to be some supernatural stuff flaunting forth that is going to make it appear that
all religions' Gods lack being the authentic thing.