posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 12:58 PM
I'm going to give you the news post link first so you'll
understand that I'm not the only person that heard or felt this phenomenon. Let me say that I'm not a scientist by any means, although I did work
as an RT for seven years. The day this happened I was sitting at home getting ready to go to my kids baseball practice. The sound was loud enough
that I called the gasline company thinking that there had been an explosion on our gasline.
The windows rattled in my house, that's how close whatever it was that happened occurred. I didn't find out until the next day that this same sound
had been heard over a 100 miles away and probably the most disturbing detail of this event is that no one seems to want to answer the question of what
it truly was. When I called my gasline, I was hounded with questions about who I worked for and what my interest in this was. When I explained I
lived on the gasline and just wanted to make sure my kids and I didn't need to evacuate our home the attitude changed immediately into caring
concern. It was strange! Whatever happened in Alabama that day is still a mystery and I for one would like to know just what in the world is going