You know Howard Stern is a NO BULL kind of guy. 100% straight shooter. So AJ is a great guest to have on at 5am.
This is one interview that you want to listen to, if you're a fan of either of these guys. IT's entertaining, fast paced, and very comical. They
cover most of the main conspiracies that AJ believes in such as Floride water, 911 and gun control as well as him being a CIA agent.
THE DIFFERENCE between this and Piers Morgan is that AJ actually respects Howard Stern, being a long-long time listener since he was in his early
20's, so AJ doesn't blow up at all. Not even once.
PLUS you get to see the very lighter side of AJ, and some of the things he said had me LOLing soo hard.
To be honest, Im not a big fan of AJ at all. Especially not the last 3 years but.. man o man, this was GREAT!!
I Loved this interview ! I actually posted it on FB a few days ago, and actually wrote Howard and Robin a letter, which is the first time I have ever
written in to anykind of radio or TV show. I thought everyone handled it brilliant, had some laughs and got some important information in MSM.
I'm a big fan of Alex Jones, and Howard, lol, well he's honest and I Love Robin....but I thought Alex was given the respect he deserves, and it was
fun to learn more about his "human" side....Glad you posted on ATS...
edit on 5-3-2013 by MountainLaurel because: (no reason
"They put silicone in your food, so your colon hardens and when you're thrown into the ocean the gay fish will eat you and the suicidal shrimp have
a place to live!!" - Alex Jones
LOL He was obviously saying this as a joke to get Robin and Howard going, but it touches on all his points.
LOL...yeah that cracked me up!!! But they did look it up, and Howard got the point I think, at least he summed it up well. Obviously very different,
strong minded men, but I liked how they gave each the respect each deserves...
Mostly, my optomistic side hopes this is encouraging to helping to wake people hell...we're not getting through this without a few