Here is the reply I promised...
757 was not found because the plane shattered against the building. The kinetic energy would have shattered the plane into very very small pieces,
which it did. Remember the 757 weighs a LOT and it was moving fast (just below the speed of sound) so the energy of impact would have been very
The winds exploded against the sides of the building, which is why the fire spread across the impact point is such a wide swath. Note: Missiles that
would be able to penetrate 3 rings of the pentagon would not also be able to leave so much damage at the impact point (unless it was the SIZE of a
757). The missile would also explode at the exit point (it�s what a FAA or Bunker Buster weapon does) this didn�t happen; it was a small whole with a
lot of twisted metal exiting out.
I can see plane wreckage at the exit point, it�s very mangled but it�s there. Notice the part of the pentagon was mostly ready for furniture but had
none. The picture of the exit hole has nothing but empty building behind it. Looks like the front of the plane smashed through to the C ring�skidded
across the empty office space and punched through the last wall.
As for the flying. Turning a 757 like a fighter jet is a very stupid maneuver, it can damage the plane but it CAN be done. This is exactly what a
stupid, inept, pilot would attempt. It is actually very hard to stall or crash a modern commercial airliner. Their design is such that as long as
it�s moving fast enough and it�s wings are working correctly it will fly. shows the physics
behind this.
I could put you into the cockpit and you could probably turn and maneuver a 757 with no�s as easy as driving a car. It�s the landing and
takeoff and emergency stuff that�s difficult. The guy flying that plane was NOT interested in landing the 757.
Also, at 500+ MPH just off the ground it would be almost IMPOSSIBLE for the 757 that is flying level to touch the ground. It�s simple physics. The
air under the 757 at that point would have felt as solid as concrete. Typical landing speed of this plane is 150MPH so it was traveling 4 x faster.
I�m guessing the pilot didn�t think to configure the flaps into a �bleed energy� landing mode so the wings were generating a lot of lift. I think the
eye-witnesses are simply wrong�the plane did not hit the grass.
The plane was NOT 20� off the ground when it crossed the highway. It was probably something like 100-200�. The wash effect from a 757 is in a narrow
trail just after the plane and may not have come low enough to effect traffic.
Update: I've just returned from DC and I specifically drove over that very overpass. The buidling across from the Pentagon preclude any aircraft
from getting low enough to blow cars around, I'm amazed they could hit the building at all.
All commercial planes are like an egg. Try to crush an egg vertically in your hand and it is is very strong and almost impossible to
break. Turn it sideways and it shatters into a gooey mess almost instantly. Planes have incredible strength under normal flight conditions..hit a
reinforced concrete building and they turn into many tiny pieces very rapidly.
The smell of cordite? Well this IS the pentagon, not some commercial building. There was most likely some ordinance (at least some small
arms-ammunition and grenades at the checkpoints) that exploded as well. Even firing a M-16 will make a strong smell similar to cordite.
There was no missile fired into the pentagon that morning. It was a plane.