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Originally posted by RobinB022
When people come in from out of state it is not possible for them to automatically know the driving habits of the area they are visiting or driving through.. and there are local habits.
Be mindful of one another.
Originally posted by TheGreazel
Greetings ATS
Last weekend i was driving on the Freeway in my country , in my country we dont have the keep your lane rule and we can only pass other vehicles on the left lane , i usually drive 10 km above the speed limit on the freeway , so im am passing cars like a boss.
Them all off the sudden this phat BMW came out of nowhere , and hugged my car while i was driving 130 KM , he was driving one meter behind me , if i would brake just a little bit he would ram me off the road..
So i turned on my alarm lights to warn him to back off , i looked in my mirror and saw this elderly couple , the male driver raised his middle finger.
When i saw this something snapped... i took my foot of the gas , and stopped my car , yes in the middle of the Freeway , all traffic came to a halt , i got out of my car , walked to my trunk and got out a iron baseball bat i keep in my car for protection.
I walked calmly to this BMW , when i got their i asked them to turn down the window , they refused , he said we can talk through the glass.
So i said to him if you are gonna Denie my existence or if you think i am merely collateral damage we are gonna have a real problem , the only way you are getting past me now is over my corpse , i told him if he would drive normal and thought about other people's safety on the road we would have no problem , but instead you only made it worse while i tried to warn you , he then told me he was in a hurry yada yada , yeah yeah like that gives you the right to put yourself above others and put ME in danger.
I see this a lot in my country , Elderly people driving big cars , who dont give a @$%# about any one else.
Even though my European Country has a good infrastructure and Driving Schooling , the people drive like mindless zombies , and in lots of situations with traffic coming from multiple directions they just freeze and panic.
I love Driving though , on my work i occasionally have to park trailers and trucks infront of Docking bays , because it is private property i dont need a truck licence , my boss told me how the controls work and threw me in the deep after one hour , but i quickly learned my self how to drive and park trucks and trailers using the mirrors only , now i park them in a straight line on the first attempt.
TheGreazeledit on 1-3-2013 by TheGreazel because: 130 KM not MPH
Originally posted by mblahnikluver
I live in the retirement capital of the US and tourist central for the area.