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3-D Printed Car Is as Strong as Steel, Half the Weight, and Nearing Production

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posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by buddhasystem

Originally posted by OmegaOwl
Ha, looks like you CAN download a car these days.

Let's take it one step further. Very soon, you will be able to download HUMANS for home-based DNA sequencing.
Lets take it two steps further...and starting with the Adult Entertainment industry which will lead the way no matter how far the human civilization advances

edit on 1-3-2013 by hp1229 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 01:43 PM
i think the point here is that the 3d printing medium in as far as industry is going to be where all the demand will go.

With the amazing amount of ceramic's, plastic's, polymers, and even molecular carbon im sure there's going to be plenty of 3d printable materials available in short order to satisfy the industry's.... natural want for easy to produce goods.

its the natural conclusion that eventually the work used to produce a good will streamline itself till we hit instant results.

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by OmegaOwl
Ha, looks like you CAN download a car these days.
Take that anti-piracy PSA!

Exactly what I thought. Not sure if it's still there but back in the day TPB had a torrent named "car" and it was insane size. Like 100TB or something.

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by sirhumperdink
reply to post by winofiend

there are already 3D printers capable of printing various metals, clays, plastics, hell ive seen one that uses a big fresnel lense to print in glass using sand

heres one that can print a house in 20 hours using something akin to concrete (3x stronger than actual concrete)

the technology is advancing at an extremely rapid pace and it probably wont be more than a few decades before theres one in every home like a washing machine or refrigerator and people will be able to prod 7uce many consumer goods in their own home for a small fraction of the cost

sure it will put millions of people out of work....... and now you understand why current economic models are fundamentally flawed and doomed to failure (its inevitable that most people are going to have their jobs automated at some time or another what happens when the corporations no longer need workers as is increasingly the case?)
edit on 27-2-2013 by sirhumperdink because: (no reason given)

You're right, many current occupations will become obsolete due to technological advances. You're also correct in that our current economic model will eventually become obsolete. TPTB cannot stall, nor prevent technological advances forever; we will have low-cost, clean energy; we will have 3D printers; we will have an automated workforce (to a degree). What's next you ask? IMHO, I believe our only hope is to abandon the conventional monetary systems; operate a global network of free, clean, abundant energy; instead of focusing on making an income to barely scrape by, one may focus on education and apply their skills to whatever they deem fit (even if it is doing nothing). When a population has unlimited energy, anything is possible.

Oh, btw, I can't wait!

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 05:04 PM
pretty soon its going to be 3D print a planet, 3D print a solar system, 3D print a galaxy

geeze how do you think we got here
lol j/k

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 05:15 PM
Here's a pretty cool except from a blogger's dissection of the utopian society of Gene Roddenberry's "Star Trek," concerning replicators (3D printers):

The only way that it would be possible not to have money is if the problem of scarcity of resources was almost entirely solved.  And, the show does seem to come up with a ready answer for this:  the replicator.  In a world with a replicator, you wouldn’t need to do an awful lot of things which today take up people’s labour.  No Chinese factories would have to make rubber chickens:  you could just replicate them.   No one would need to grow tea, or roast coffee beans:  you could just replicate them.  Ditto, I suppose, with cars, and even larger items (such as, at one point, various large containment units) could be replicated.

So this, then, must be the key to Star Trek’s economy:  you could largely do with out money, if you had replicators that could magically make pretty much anything you wanted.  The key would then only lie in making an artistic request, perhaps drawing things that the machine could learn to make.  And, of course, since nothing can come from nothing, the replicator needs to have fuel.

Full Article

3D printers may change our world more than we can imagine!

edit on 1-3-2013 by apokalupsis33vital because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 06:22 PM
If you think that the price of ink for your home printer is crazy, wait until you need to buy the powder/materials that these 3-D printers require!!!

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by Enzo954

Yes expensive until you can drop by a local location and grind all the plastic scrap sitting around your house. Aka Coinstar, Redbox type service until even that is obsolete as we can throw our old plastic in a portable grinder under the sink . We already have labels on nearly all plastic materials that state what type of plastic that bottle is aka HDPE, PVC, PET, and even simpler it has a numbering system. Grind all your like number plastic together...very simple. Finally we have a true reason to pick up the plastic bottles littering the side of the road. It is also just cause to dig up the junk piles with all that buried plastic.

I saw this in the mid 90's at a start up company that washed soda bottles, milk jugs etc. and ground them down to powder. They even had chemicals that could dissolve labels, glue, that were stuck to the plastic, also a chemical that floated off a limited amount of plastic contamination. There was an experimental chemical also that could remove colorant from plastic but, would require a retooling of the process to add a melting step. The whole process was nearly automated with one person just monitoring a computer.

The company did not last because they lost money trying to pay people to manually sort the plastic types in several locations. They also had projections that in order to get the consumer to sort plastics ahead of time on a large scale they (consumers) would be grinding their own plastics and making their own products at home. In other words their large scale project would become obsolete in a few years.

edit on 1/3/13 by toochaos4u because: (no reason given)

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