posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69
My God man, I am in awe of your talent!! Seriously!! Why on earth would folks want to watch the garbage on tv, like "Dancing With the Idols" of
when they can come here instead and see what treat you have at the ready for all of us to enjoy? I love that you use such colorful
graphics in your presentation along with the story. I oil paint a lot and I love to see the use of color and pictures. That is an art in and of
itself...that you bring it all together, is priceless! Thanx again for giving us folks here some really excellent entertainment! Tv is
ridiculous...makes one wanna open up a vein or good to have you here, as our saving grace. Those "reality" shows on tv are beyond
stupid and you can't fix "stupid"
Blessings and highest respects and regards!! ^j^