posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by Phantasm
I am sorry for your pain and your loss. Be comforted to know you have done your best by your daughter. You could have left her alone! You did you
best and you gave her tools and eventually she will know this. In time I am sure you two will have the relationship you are hoping for.
In these days of woe its not hard to be depressed. I can only hope that you find inner peace and come back stronger. Its not easy as we all have to
come to forks in our lives. Its hard when that fork is over grown to see which way to go but the best thing I can say to you is this. You are here
today! You have survived up to today. Have faith that tomorrow you will be also.
Try and find time to help others as there is an inner joy when you know that you have made a difference.
Good luck Bro. Please let us know how you get on.
Peace be with you