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A theory of mine

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posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 02:07 PM
I thought about the whole thing on Pope Benedict XVI resigning and wondered about this. Go ahead and say its crazy if you want to. Im not a conspiracy nut or a strong believer in religion (Although I DO believe in a God)
Anyway here it is.

Anyone knows or rather has heard that Armageddon will last 7 years once the anti christ comes to earth."Peter the Roman" is said to be pope during this time so thats where the next part comes in.

The current pope ends his papacy on 2-28-2013. 7 years from 2013 is 2020.

Now what does 2020 have to do with this? What is perfect vision? 20/20. What have we seen from the bible on the events after armageddon? What is our perfect vision of the future? A period of Perfection on earth.

Makes sense doesnt it? Now I know that no one knows exactly when the world will end which is why this is only a theory. I know that, but what if in fact it does happen?

Just a small theory of mine, what do you think?
edit on 26-2-2013 by Edgar806 because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-2-2013 by Edgar806 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 02:45 PM
Here is a tidbit to add to your theory. The Earth's precession is 25920 years. Divide this by 360 and you get 72. Enoch informed the watchers that they had 70 generations left until judgment. The Watchers are likely candidates for the pyramids around the world. If Enoch gives them warning, are the long count calendars of 5125 years their marker for the end of this judgment? Le't see. Enoch was 950 past Adam. 70 X 72 is 5040. Add the two and you get 6000. In Genesis 6, it says this:

6 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,

2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

How can we verify that 120 years is actually 6000. In the book of Jubilees, it counts a jubilee as 50 years. This is (7X7)+1. Seven sevens is followed by a year of rest. Every 50 years is a jubilee. The book of jubilees then says that Adam lived for 19 jubilees. Is this 950? Yes. Why does it matter?

Jesus said that the last generation would witness Israel become a nation. 1948 + 72 is what? 2020.

What else can we determine? The last huge event in Israel was the 1967 6 day war. What is the date of the next jubilee if 67 is accurate? 2017. How many years between 17 and 2020? 3. 2.5 might just be the time that the Antichrist sets up camp in Israel.

How far will you travel on the ocean if you go 33 degrees on the ocean? 2012.9 nautical miles.

Here are a few threads of my own that can help you see these things clearly.

Enoch and the Mayan Calendars

Long Count Calendars and Enoch

More Jubilee Dates matching 17 and 67.

All the Biblical Witnesses I could find...

Keep in mind that Jesus states that "These days" would be shortened. I fully expect that he will return when it looks as if all is lost. As it happens, do not fear. If I have shown you anything here, remember the source of these tidings and warnings. God left these for us. The God of the Bible is the true source of both our path in the wilderness and the redemption he offers as a gift. It starts with love and ends with love.

Originally posted by Edgar806
I thought about the whole thing on Pope Benedict XVI resigning and wondered about this. Go ahead and say its crazy if you want to. Im not a conspiracy nut or a strong believer in religion (Although I DO believe in a God)
Anyway here it is.

Anyone knows or rather has heard that Armageddon will last 7 years once the anti christ comes to earth."Peter the Roman" is said to be pope during this time so thats where the next part comes in.

The current pope ends his papacy on 2-28-2013. 7 years from 2013 is 2020.

Now what does 2020 have to do with this? What is perfect vision? 20/20. What have we seen from the bible on the events after armageddon? What is our perfect vision of the future? A period of Perfection on earth.

Makes sense doesnt it? Now I know that no one knows exactly when the world will end which is why this is only a theory. I know that, but what if in fact it does happen?

Just a small theory of mine, what do you think?

edit on 26-2-2013 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-2-2013 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)


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