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Our True Power Comes From Our Hearts.

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posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 02:40 AM
complete garbage.

Our True Power Comes From Our Hearts,
go explain this to people suffering or starving to death or a child being raped by a parent and see what kind of reaction you get ^^

"The answer is you must prove it to yourself, because the answers lie within"

thats the same crap religions try to sell lol.

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 04:34 AM
reply to post by ~widowmaker~

Originally posted by ~widowmaker~
complete garbage.

Our True Power Comes From Our Hearts,
go explain this to people suffering or starving to death or a child being raped by a parent and see what kind of reaction you get ^^

"The answer is you must prove it to yourself, because the answers lie within"

thats the same crap religions try to sell lol.

I'm gonna go ahead and be open about it and say this even though I can't even talk about it in real life to my loved ones: I am a survivor of childhood sexual and physical abuse, and of an abusive marriage. Even though I was repeatedly beaten and molested and raped for many years as a child by my family member, I isn't until now, as an adult and looking back, that I realize that the only thing that saved me from being destroyed by the atrocities committed against me and kept me from becoming just another statistic for the rest of my life was how strong my heart, mind, and soul were even when I was that young. I ended up in a poly-abusive marriage,..again, my heart and mind and soul saved me from falling apart and giving up. I don't know...maybe it's different for other victims and survivors...but my heart, mind, soul, and faith saved me from all of the horrors I endured. I was the o ly person I could ever count on in my the answer really did lie within myself...I had to find the strength within myself to endure and survive and I did. Don't dismiss the saving power of one's heart and soul...I'm living proof that the heart and soul can save a life.

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 07:38 AM
Really....THIS is the nonsense that gets on the front page of ATS!??
So...the whole secret of life is doing things from the heart and suddenly....the world will open up for us?

Im sorry OP, I respect your writing ability and the fact you are an OG here, but Im about to piss in your cornflakes here...

The main body of your post reads exactly like a part in the movie Contact. In fact, it seems as if you have taken the basic premise of the priest in Contact. There is a part in the movie where contact is just being made...the priest is shown on a cable news channel talking about his book.
Specifically, how people take deficit trips to the mall to buy things they think will fill this "void" they have, only to find out that it is their HEARTS that can be used to fill that void.

While I agree with your post en masse, I do not believe it deserves the front page by any means. Especially when an ATS search brought up 20 threads with similar wording.

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by Realtruth
Image that you are in a cage for the majority of your lives, then one day someone opens the cage door and you are free. Many of us wait for someone or something to come along and open that cage door, we search so hard for our saviors in books, religions, ET’s, UFO’s, advanced races with technologies, but what we don’t see is how powerful we, as individuals truly are, and that we give away our power to others so easily, thus creating our own cages.

But if someone would give you the mental equivalent of a fully robotic exoskeleton, wouldn't you consider it even if it meant the owner who lend it to you sets rules to the skeleton? Speaking in finite settings as it wouldn't get one off the planet.

How many of you have been searching for something all your life and you have yet to find it?

I will not claim to be someone in the know, nor someone better than any of you, because you are all a part of me and I you. We come from the same place and will return to the same place, and I don’t need to explain this to you because all of you already know this deep down, only our Ego’s and minds tell us different.

I'm just not part of you, nor you of me, though we may share some of the same programming. Otherwise we could not be whole individuals. And coming from the same place, well I just happen to have different coordinates where I first existed and that place is unique to everyone and can only be visited completely alone, without anyone's awareness.

I have recently started to do things in a completely different manner than I am accustomed to. I have started to do things from the heart, and focus on this as much as I possibly can. The results have been absolutely amazing because when we are heart centered not much can shake our world, because from this point we are co-creating and masters of our own destiny. Doing things from the heart if done correctly transforms us into different beings.

Sounds great just remind yourself there are more organs besides the heart.

Instead of looking for love, or draining others of their love and support find yours within, and give it freely expect nothing in return. Yes, I said nothing in return. Now granted do not be a doormat, but give compliments, smile when entering a room, find something good in everyone you meet and let them know it.

I'm one of those who can be bothered by compliments when they are incorrectly made or in an improper setting but I can appreciate expressions of appreciation, just not too much. I avoid people who think in terms of draining anything from another, all what happens is one drains oneself, from one braincell to the next inside the same skull or one creates an image of the other using energy from one's own source. Then they all agree to the same ruleset and it appears as if there is something magical. Which it can be, just no mystery there unless they pretend there's a veil of some sort. Well anyway great topic.

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 10:37 AM
In an attempt to address some of the comments above, I think what the op is getting at here is that the heart (not just the physical heart) is senior to the rest of the body-mind. Of course, there is the physical heart, but there is also the subtle heart located in the center of the chest (the heart chakra), and also a much less acknowledged heart, called the causal heart, located a few inches to the right of the center of the chest. This third heart is the seat of Consciousness - prior to the body-brain-mind complex. Via the causal heart, Consciousness or Awareness associates with the function of attention and this gives rise to the sense of an individuated awareness or "I".

What the op is offering is a positive feeling approach to life that can be found in many religious and spiritual traditions. In the East this approach of feeling from the subtle heart and allowing love to flow through the body is what various yogis understand relative to transcending the karmas of the gross physical life, usually in order to enter more subtle dimensions. This was also understood by many saints in the Christian traditions, but for the most part this western esotericism was snuffed out very early on.

The Heart altogether is the basis for real intelligence, love, and even true humor because the Heart is always already free, prior to all arising, though not separate from all arising. This simply needs to be recognized, and actually can be, because it is already our real state.

However, we tend to be so embedded in the gross life, that this understanding eludes us. But if we simply allow heart-based intelligence to inform our existence moment to moment by abiding in fundamental conscious feeling awareness, then this tacit understanding will further unfold as Reality itself, infilling the body-mind with conscious light and love, and yielding the foundation for right life regardless of where we appear.

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 10:45 AM
Great post OP..I think only a few people here understand this thread really about because its hard to convince all these peoples(mind dominated) because their mind distracted with material stuff like Ufo,ET,governments,etc rather than their true ultimate purpose here on Earth..No offense...

Ok..Lets get this straight..Believe or not our physical planes is made for suffering so dont ask why they are a lot of peoples suffered today because it is meant to be..You can call our Earth as "training ground from suffering to awakening".

For example..You got big house,car,money,gadgets,son/daughter/beautiful wife/family then suddenly "boom" an earthquake destroyed your house,car and killed all your family members then you left alone on this Earth..Then you will start whining "Why God do this to me ?".

The answer is God trying to tell you all this material stuff is illusions..Its pointless to pursuing for illusions(material stuffs) and in the end you got "nothing"..You need to start waking up and surrender all your things (de-attachment) and let the flow of life guide you back to the ultimate purpose which is to be concious being,give love to others and remembering who you truly are..
edit on 26-2-2013 by GregJ because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by jcutler12888
"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." - Proverbs 4:23

I know this is Philosophy and Metaphysics so Bible verses probably aren't brought up very often in here, but I was reminded of this verse when I read your post, OP. Hope you don't mind me posting it.


Taken out of context it does justify the op's beliefs. But looking at it in context, as meant, we see the truth

My son, pay attention to what I say;
listen closely to my words.
Do not let them out of your sight,
keep them within your heart;
for they are life to those who find them
and health to a man’s whole body.
Above all else, guard your heart,
for it is the wellspring of life.
Put away perversity from your mouth;
keep corrupt talk far from your lips.
Let your eyes look straight ahead,
fix your gaze directly before you.
Make level paths for your feet
and take only ways that are firm.
Do not swerve to the right or the left;
keep your foot from evil.
Proverbs 4:20-27

Love is this: that you OBEY GOD and do His commands. 

The love experienced by the OP appears to be self-love expressed as the "sacred heart" in mystical Catholicism or a hundred different heathen religions. This love is all about the individual - and it is racing around this planet today. This love is based on no higher truth than what "self" gives it and what feels good - its the belief that what is pleasurable and good through the senses, is good. 

And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart . . . 
Deuteronomy 6:6

When God regenerates a man’s heart, He regenerates the man’s being, his whole self. Man’s first duty is to love God with all of his heart, soul, strength, might, and mind and that is simply to love God with all of our "heart", in the fullness of our being. The OPs "love" is none of the above. As man draws near to God because of sovereign work in their hearts, man is also drawn away from God by means of their heart. The love of self is the single biggest idol that there is. It defines everything based on how it makes them feel and what others define as "good" and love". This kind of love is how NAMBLA justifies sex with young boys, and they actually state that sexual partnerships between grown men and little boys is the "most loving" and an expression of "love". See the problem? There is no truth in this version of love because it's all about "self". What else can happen when you "go within" to find your answers? Nothing because you end up finding man in the image and likeness of Adam - not God. When one "goes within", is the beast not speaking directly to you? It's difficult to contemplate how this age will end due to this sort of "love", but it will take us there because this love is false and has no truth in it for there is no love of the truth. It is "I will ascend above" sort of is the "love" that creates is the "love" which thinks that it can heal all wounds but in never addressing the root cause of our wounds, it simply festers new ones. Why? It's false.

“Judas dost thou betray the son of Man with a kiss?”

False. Love. Betrays.

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by jcutler12888

.I had to find the strength within myself to endure and survive and I did. Don't dismiss the saving power of one's heart and soul...I'm living proof that the heart and soul can save a life.

Thank you for posting this, because it shows us that no matter how many curve balls life can throw you have picked yourself up and kept going.

You have followed your inner guide and allowed love to flow.

I am not a religious person (Agnostic), but Budda has a pretty good saying.

“Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” ~ Buddha

edit on 26-2-2013 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 12:51 PM
S+F OP, thanks, this read has set me up for a good day......ever since I started living and thinking in a much more positive way I've felt the change and things have been much better for me.
I've become much healthier physically and mentally. I'm able to take things in stride much easier. My anxiety, panic attacks, anger, negative thoughts and emotions have dwindled away and been replaced with the wife and I got
Back together, my son is an angel, and life is moving forward in a seemingly very positive light......yes the S may HTF, but with love, light, positivity and FAITH, I'm ready for it all and not too worried........back to work! Thanks again......

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by WhoKnows100

Originally posted by WhoKnows100

Originally posted by jcutler12888
"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." - Proverbs 4:23

I know this is Philosophy and Metaphysics so Bible verses probably aren't brought up very often in here, but I was reminded of this verse when I read your post, OP. Hope you don't mind me posting it.


Taken out of context it does justify the op's beliefs. But looking at it in context, as meant, we see the truth

My son, pay attention to what I say;
listen closely to my words.
Do not let them out of your sight,
keep them within your heart;
for they are life to those who find them
and health to a man’s whole body.
Above all else, guard your heart,
for it is the wellspring of life.
Put away perversity from your mouth;
keep corrupt talk far from your lips.
Let your eyes look straight ahead,
fix your gaze directly before you.
Make level paths for your feet
and take only ways that are firm.
Do not swerve to the right or the left;
keep your foot from evil.
Proverbs 4:20-27

Love is this: that you OBEY GOD and do His commands. 

The love experienced by the OP appears to be self-love expressed as the "sacred heart" in mystical Catholicism or a hundred different heathen religions. This love is all about the individual - and it is racing around this planet today. This love is based on no higher truth than what "self" gives it and what feels good - its the belief that what is pleasurable and good through the senses, is good. 

And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart . . . 
Deuteronomy 6:6

Actually, what you're referring to is what I was referring to. I didn't mean to write what I for it to be taken out of context, do thank you for posting the other verses to put it into perspective.

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

Thank you. The quote you included is actually one of my favorites. I am a spiritual/religious person in that I believe in God and Jesus Christ...I was raised by a Southern Baptist and a Roman Catholic and while I don't believe in the institutions, I believe in the Almighty and I know He is the one who built my heart, mind, and soul to be strong as steel. I believe that through those gifts He gave me and through Him, I survived. I know a lot of people won't agree with God having anything to do with it and it's okay if people disagree with me on that...but I just feel and know that personally, He had everything to do with my ability to survive.
edit on 2/26/2013 by jcutler12888 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 05:57 PM
For skeptics who are still sleeping:

There are two sources in your heart, The Deceiver (Ego/Satan) and The Truth

The Deceiver is what you think as yourself or the voices god/angels.
The Deceiver knows good and EVIL. It discriminates, it has conditions when it comes to love!!!!
In some of you, it probably only loves beautiful people, it probably hates fat people, etc
If you choose to listen to The Deceiver, you are SLEEPING!!!

The Truth is you (no garbage noise or voice). You dont discriminate when it comes to love.
And your love is always unconditional

Whoever hurts you in the past, forgive them.
If you are Christian or Catholic, BE LIKE JESUS!!! Let go and forgive them.
Close that door and Open a new door.
Keep doing that until you become happier and happier and happier... Everyday

Note: Sorry if I hurt your feelings
edit on 26-2-2013 by dodol because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 06:07 PM
This is pretty much irrelevant to most people. I'm not sure how one is going to connect to the power of their heart, when their minds are being enslaved by Gods.
edit on 26-2-2013 by arpgme because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by arpgme
This is pretty much irrelevant to most people. I'm not sure how one is going to connect to the power of their heart, when their minds are being enslaved by Gods.
edit on 26-2-2013 by arpgme because: (no reason given)

arpgme for Christ Sakes!

All kidding aside, I believe that all paths lead to the same place, some people choose different paths. Some of them are bumpy, some are smooth, some are dark and some are light.

I don't think we can put a right or wrong on anything, just different.

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by Realtruth
All kidding aside, I believe that all paths lead to the same place, some people choose different paths. Some of them are bumpy, some are smooth, some are dark and some are light.

I don't think we can put a right or wrong on anything, just different.

Are you saying this about all things (when you use the word "anything") or just in reference to the different paths people choose?

Because if you are saying this about everything, I would have a very hard time accepting that various acts seen in the news every day are "just different". Many of them are very very wrong.

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 12:50 AM
Since I didn't hear from anyone relative to my prior post, I will give my two cents worth of what I sense relative to the heart, morality, and right vs. wrong. Given this topic is about living from the heart, I hope this is not considered off topic.

Inherent in the heart is the direct intuitive connection to the prior unity in which we all arise. This unity is indivisible love and is the union that the heart seeks until it comes to rest altogether in the inherent sublimity of recognizing that it is already established in such unity, and paradoxically, always has been.

Such love or unity is the very essence of morality, in which I fundamentally know that there is no separation at heart with anything at all. Yes, there are obviously endless differences between forms, but fundamentally we are all indivisibly connected, all arising in indivisible conscious light which is prior to, but inclusive of, all arising conditions.

When this is understood in any moment and lived as the governing principle of my life, I am inherently free and moral. Not moral because I am having to obey various laws (which of course I do), but moral because I love, because I am not separate from anyone. This does not mean that I am just all blissed out, never angry, and never addressing anything that is clearly wrong. I may very well address those things and hopefully from this heart-based understanding-intelligence!

If someone hurts me, I may not be able to forgive them right away (or perhaps ever), depending on how deeply the hurt was inflicted. But I need not allow the heart-hurt to become such an insult or betrayal that I cannot feel any more. My integrity lies in the heart, and though it is not necessary to be able to forgive a real wrongdoing on one's person or loved one, one's heart-connectedness with our essential unity should not be abandoned. In time, forgiveness may even be possible, but at least the releasing and forgetting of the insult will be quickened if one abides in their native heart-felt disposition throughout any such ordeal.

So when I see terrible things people do to others on the news, my heart understands these things are inherently wrong. I don't need any rules or philosophy or religion or abstract idealism telling me what or how to feel about certain actions - this moral discrimination is inherent in the heart.

Anyway, just something I have come to learn from living with a very wise and loving being for many years.

posted on Mar, 1 2013 @ 04:56 PM
Op I completely agree with your statement which is also the thread title.

It reminds of the concept of Christ/Odin whomever iteral and/r mythical figure on the cross, like being held in a tension of opposites which Jung talks about. To me that means the disconnect and contention in the world due to some discord; it is the crux of the matter so to speak.

I don't have much to say about it, it is what it is, and those who have had certain experiences in life probably have a greater understanding of this truth than others, and maybe its a truth people must come to for themselves.

On the other hand, to me it is also a self evident and clear as day truth, a clear blue sky sunny day. And whether we want to acknowledge and recognition this truth and bear witness to it is also something we will maybe come to in our own time, imo. It is a choice, and one I personally struggle to make on a continual basis.

It is the ongoing question that needs continual answering, or so it would seem. And life has had a way of putting this question to me. Sometimes I ignored it, sometimes i gave the wrong answer and sometimes I found the courage to answer it. I try and find a balance where i can step back and stay somewhat light on my feet and not take everything so seriously, because maybe that is part of the way i cope, for better or worse. But then again, maybe I don't take some things seriously enough. However when that is the case I trust that invariably the god of bitch-slap will get me back on track again, in conjunction with my conscience.
I think it can feel like a lonely truth to come by at times.

But the sacrifice, and maybe it is in terms of an ego sacrifice of some sort which i don't claim to know definitively or have a handle on what that means necessarily; is more than worth it to make, or so i personally believe is the case.

And that is all I have to say for now.

Peace. ~

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