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'Bullingdon Club Member' DID Burn £50 In Front Of A Tramp, Student Alleges

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posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by aem56

Tired of working for monsters? What does that even mean? And don't call me "darlin" I find that really derogatory and insulting

The fact is I used to work with a charity that helped disabled adults into education and everyone that I worked with was very pleased that society was changing to accept them as they are. But you obviously don't care what they think, so I think it is unlikely they would be interested in what you have to say.

ETA and just noticed you referred to 11000 terminally ill people have died...err yes, sadly that's what happens to people when they are terminally ill...they die

edit on 24-2-2013 by destination now because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by aem56

You do realise that in the UK it was the Labour Government who contracted ATOS to carry out the work assessments, not the Tories

And I am apolitical...I believe they are all as bad as each other. And yes, people die all of the time, it wasn't the government that killed them

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by destination now

A good family friend of ours, has had, for decades, a serious spinal issue. She has not left her house in ten years, because she honestly cannot. She has to have her shopping delivered. She can potter about her house sure enough, but she cannot get around curbs, she cannot deal with stairs, shes incapacitated to all intents and purposes. She cannot commute, cannot sit in a car or on a bus, because the seats give her such pain that she passes out.

The government here insist that she is fit to work, yet just to get to the toilet or the kitchen, IN HER OWN HOME she has to use crutches. Her fastest pace is a sluggish shuffle. She is in constant pain, and yet they threatened her with loss of benifit if she didnt go to work. Luckily she is educated in law, via the open university. She was able to appeal.

Many are not in such a position, as to be able to defend themselves adequately from such a thing.

You can deny it all you like, but the disabled, the poorly paid, and the unemployed (very few of whom are actually scroungers, many of whom are jobless because there are no jobs for them to do), ARE being victimised by the government right now. The evidence is pretty clear cut, since rather than make positive changes to the way the government is organised, rather than making changes to the enormous waste of money represented by bad contracts with private companies, they would rather make life harder for innocent folks who have no power to prevent it.

Oh sure, take money from the poor, and the dispossessed, the unlucky, rather than reducing the vast cost of waste in Whitehall! Great plan.

Did you know that HMRC is one of the bigger sources of waste in terms of its private contracts with the owners of the buildings from which it operates? HMRC are contractually obligated to a company called Mapeley, who own the buildings, and the right to supply HMRC with everything from office furniture to printer paper. An example of the obscene mark ups being charged by Mapeley to the HMRC would be the simple office computer mouse. One of these will set you back between twelve and fifteen pounds from the shops. Mapeley charge sixty eight pounds fifty something for one of these.

My source is an employee within HMRC, who will remain nameless to protect him from dismissal and any legal issues which might come about as a result of his disclosure to me.

So, not only have HMRC only just begun to take the correct amount of tax from Starbucks and others, and not only have HMRC only been recently enabled to name and shame tax avoiders and evaders, but they see fit to waste OUR money. The government refuse to force them to spend our money wisely, allow poor contracts in all Whitehall departments to waste potential BILLIONS a year across government, and yet they want more money back from the poor, the disabled? And YOU support this?

I am gobsmacked at the ignorance of some people, to just how much money the government could save by cutting back on poor contracts, bad deals, and out of control projects. They could likely as not pay the debt of this nation off inside five years, just with the savings that are out there to be made, without even asking for a single penny back from the people. The only reason they dont is that they would rather take the easy route, and make it the fault of the weakest in society, rather than fight these companies in court.

This is just a reflection of the problems that arise when you allow people who have no connection with the majority in a nation, run the place. You get nonsensical spending, loss from every department, and costs spiralling through the bloody roof.

Meanwhile the next in line to run the place are burning fifties in the face of the poor? Get a grip. This cannot continue.
edit on 24-2-2013 by TrueBrit because: grammatical error.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by TrueBrit

Yes, I agree with you that the criteria for ATOS is ridiculous, but don't forget who gave them the contract and the criteria...I myself after a serious illness which has hospitalised me several times had to go through the ATOS system and was turned down and had to go on JSA rather than ESA, and that was under the last Labour Govt even though I have worked and paid tax at the higher rate for over 20 years..didn't make a sod of a difference to the Labour Government nor would it have to the Tories, like I say, they are both as bad as each other and the Lib dems...well they;re just a joke.

ETA The bottom line is people are getting butt hurt because these people are setting fire to their own money and the only reason they see this as a problem is because they are doing it in front of a homeless person, if they were doing it at Ascot, people wouldn't have the same issue and i doubt we would have Tory MP walks past homeless person and didn't give him £50 in the breaking alternative news section

edit on 24-2-2013 by destination now because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by destination now

Agreed entirely, but you must realise that the last labour government, had precisely as much to do with a genuine labour movement, as cheese has to do with the correct functioning of a particle accelerator! They were as much of an entitled bunch of clueless jerks as the Tories.

There used to be a difference between the two, but it has been decades between now and the last time there was any relationship between the people and the Labour party.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by TrueBrit

Yes I do and I think we are both on the same page as far as that goes but sadly I don't think we will ever see a genuine Labour party ever again.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by destination now

Well thats the rub you see. Most people, if informed, will tell you that they would rather not have a ruthless, empty headed sod, who burns money for larks sitting in power. But our choices are being limited by the fact that there are no options nowadays, outside of the various collectives of entitled dweebs who have passed a history of politics course at a top brain factory.

Not one former policeman, not a single former bricklayer or anything remotely realistic in any of the history of the new breed of Labour politicians. Therefore, we are being forced to pick from a group of people who for all intents and purposes, might well be the sort of morally defunct bit of dross, who would show a pauper a fifty pound note then set fire to it!

That cannot be sustainable!

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by TrueBrit

Agree again, but what precisely can we do about it? Voting Labour back in next term is not the answer and lets face it, we, the people actually have no say whatsoever in the policies of those we elect. Anarchy is not an option, there are far too many self-serving people who would see to it that the status quo remained exactly the same, so we are stuck between a rock and a hard place, with, as you say, no options for change.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 10:47 AM
People on this website are out of their minds. Do you know how much stupid stuff I've done since I've been in college? Burning 50 bucks would be tame compared to some of the shenanigans I've been involved in. For you all (with the exception of a few) to sit in your ivory tower and spout off with this baseless disgust over a 50 spot being burned up is laughable. Seriously, its laughable. And someone even went as far as to say they would beat the dude's teeth in? Over a 50 spot? How do you even have a computer with internet access if you're willing to assault someone over 50 bucks?

If someone burned a 50 dollar bill in front of me I would be like "Dude, you're an idiot" and keep walking. I don't really know where the pretentious attitude is coming from on ATS these days.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 10:50 AM
Burning money in front of homeless people is super kewl. I love feeling powerful in front of somebody who is much more experienced than myself and treating them like crap. That's what life is all about. That is when I know I've made it in the world.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by paraphi
Why are people so vexed that young men and women have fun. To the OP, it may have been bad taste to burn 50 quid in front of a homeless person, but other people may have beaten him up or thrown a brick through the local off licence or pub window instead of trashing a posh resturant.

Why are people so astonished because some irresponsible rich kids do these things? Why do people selectively miss out that other people do things like this?


These are future leaders and they are demonstrating a complete lack of sympathy and compassion. They were born with a silver spoon in their mouths, and they know nothing nor care about the people they are doing this to. If their character is this bad now imagine if they were the homeless person. Would they even survive overnight or would they blow their brains out? Who is the stronger person?
edit on 24-2-2013 by ezwip because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by destination now

The only thing I can think of, is that the current power base in this country, is trying to get the rest of us to take the power from them, unseat them. They are literally asking the people to rise up, dethrone them all, and install a new, different kind of government. Christ knows what shape that might take, but they cannot seriously expect the people to continue to vote for increasingly distant and clueless morons.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by TrueBrit

Agree again...but that's probably a whole new thread

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by ANOK
reply to post by paraphi

That callous attitude will stay with them when they are in positions of authority.

They were young and dumb; having fun. You're digging far too deeply into this.

Besides, many homeless just spend it on alcohol. I'm not saying don't help them, but if you own money you have hte right to burn it, even if you're trying to make a point to a homeless person. And I guess that point would be don't beg. If you want money, work for it.

I'll admit that this is crass, but they were young and young people tend to be that way.

Geez, some people. Just back away, slowly. Stop hyperventilating.
edit on 24-2-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 11:14 AM
No, it's a ritual it's not young dumb and full of cum. It's getting them used to the idea of taking a giant crap on people and not caring. It is conditioning them. I'm not content with this. In fact I would rather die than accept this if some jerkoff did this to me. They would be in the fight of their life instantly.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 11:16 AM
God help any of you lot, if you ever have the misfortune of being homeless. It seems that you would be fair game for all sorts of abuse given the attitudes of some on here. I'm actually surprised by some. Yeah we all do stupid things when we are young. I never remembered abusing the homeless or antagonising them. Was never my idea of "fun". I must have been really boring.

edit on 24-2-2013 by woodwardjnr because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by jonnywhite

No... I cannot back away from this at all. You see, I believe that everyone has a responsibility in this country, to behave with some basic bloody respect for people. If they want to burn fifty pound notes, thats fine by me. Do what you will with your money. But dont go and find a downtrodden homeless person, and burn it right in front of them. Thats like walking around a hospital in Africa, on the malaria ward, with a bunch of the best anti malarial pills powders, and injectables, announcing the fact that you possess them, and then throwing them all into a vat of acid set up outside the building.

Its like throwing food into a septic tank at a refugee camp. Its not rocket science. Common decency should prevent this, and when it doesnt there IS a problem.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by jonnywhite - They were young and dumb; having fun.

these people who's definition of 'fun' is taunting those less privileged than themselves will, by fast-track, become the people who run the country. clearly their behaviour represents crass insensitivity at best, wilful contempt at worse. i won't argue that they were young and dumb. but i doubt their particular brand of 'dumb' is something any of them grow out of.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by ezwip

I disagree. These people worked and went to school and did their part. They didn't beg. You're trying to say that people who get degrees in college are beggars. I disagree because by the time you've completed high school you've accumulated about 12,000+ hours of instruction. That's not a small number. Including college and odd jobs adds further. This is not called begging, it's called working.

If you earn your money, you can burn it. Burning it to make a point to a homeless person shows shallowness and unsophistication, but like I said already, they were too young to get it.
edit on 24-2-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by jonnywhite

You know Oxford is turning away kids from working class backgrounds, not because they didn't work hard enough, but because they wouldn't be able to afford the living standards. So that pretty much rules out the chances of poorer people being able to study at Oxford. A place the reserve of the rich only.

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