posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 12:47 AM
You know, my wifes from Ecuador.
Her old man had land up in the mountains that is father left him (called finca, in Spanish) he never used it for anything, just a place to go on the
weekends. It was quiet and had a nice little river flowing through it.
One day, while watching the TV, theres a programe on about pre colombian,Aztec and Maya pottery and the like.
About ten minutes into the programe, i comment to my wife, that although basiclly ugly, some of this pottery is worth a fortune.
My genius (?) of a wife then blurts out - "We used to find this stuff on my fathers finca every time he dug a small patch over, we didnt know what it
was so we threw it away".
I then searched the internet and started to show her some photos of museum pieces, which she promptly said she recognised as she and her family had
found various pieces alike...!!
Later she said that her father had representatives pass by there from an American mineral mining company...they offered him 45,000 dollars for the
land (which he rapidly accepeted, as for him , the finca was worth only half of that).
The mineral firm then even more rapidly, began to start filtering the river for gold...something they probably failed to mention they had found when
they made the offer after surveying the terrain.
The moral of this story is, you can find pieces like this in flea markets and auctions all over the world, because (sadly) there are STILL people who
really don't know the value of the things they have....
I must admit, when the wife was telling me all this i was overcome by the sudden urge to throw her from the balcony...and we live on the 6th floor...