posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by Genus_Unknown
Ok, first off. If you are looking for "proof" Go pick up a book seriously. How could people all over the world come up these stories? There have
been countless vampire sighting. So, there is your proof that they at lest existed at one time. Now if you want me to go find a vampire and bring
him/her to you, I want you to go find George Washington and bring him to me. Of course that's not going to happen.
If you don't believe in any "god power" then why do you live? What the point? But that's a whole other discussion. Again I turn to history, Every
culture that I know of believes in some higher power. So tell me, who are you to come along and change all that.
I can't give you written evidence of there true beginning. So, I said that it was unknown to avoid speculations. And yes, I agree with you on the
Dracula thing. So if you like to pick a part my
Theory further, please do. All I am saying is this idea is just as good as anyone else’s.