posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 06:56 PM
When I saw this thread several days ago, I just tried to avoid it, and besides, cavtrooper immediately responded with my first reaction anyway, so it
didn't need saying agian. This has been said as well in this thread, but to the OP, I suggest you do some research into the Burroughs Corp. which
began in St. Louis, MO, and made the first adding machines. By Viet Nam days, they were already dealing with huge mainframes for military
applications (you know all that weapon security stuff that ensures that life is more insecure than ever), for satellite tracking, for radar
applications for the Air Force and many other and many classified to this day applications.
With a little more research, I think you may find that Mr. Kurzweil wasn't reallly writing anything about the future at all, and find that you may,
in fact, be living in a repetitive loop of time, where history is repeated constantly and purposefully, and an AI may, in fact, have been in charge of
this for quite some time.
Second, I don't know if you are a fan of reading or science fiction, but I would highly recommend a short story called, "For a Breath I Tarry," by
Roger Zelazny. There is another story very appropo to this subject matter as well, called "I Must Scream and I have No Mouth." Can't remember who
wrtote that one, but it will perhaps give you a whole different perspective on the technology you are excited about.