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Visions on the Edge of Sleep, Hypnagogia, Remote Viewing, or Something Else?

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posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 12:08 PM
Im hoping that others will be able to corroborate what I sometimes see in the mornings, on the edge of sleep, that I do not believe is simple hypnagogia. As I describe it, youll know if youve seen it or not.

What I sometimes see are amazing visions of seemingly random places. The vantage point will be a fixed point in space pointed in a fixed direction upon the scenery, and many times the scenery appears as if it is being viewed through a tunnel / window / hole in space, as in the surrounding area is blank.

The scenery itself is hyper detailed, and beyond normal levels of waking detail. The resolution of the vision so to speak, is extreme, and in the vision are highly organized, complex objects such as plants, rocks, sky, pathways, etc. No randomness at all to the objects within the vision; they are all highly ordered and mostly unchanging. Sometimes the image will have natural movement in it, such as a diminutive breeze passing through a leaves on a fern plant will wave the leaves ever so slightly.

Researching hypnagogia and "phosphenes" (the main visual component ascribed to hypnagogia), the description does not seem to fit what I see, especially due to one additional factor that Im about to mention.

From wikipedia on hypnagogia:


Among the more commonly reported,[23][24] and more thoroughly researched, sensory features of hypnagogia are phosphenes which can manifest as seemingly random speckles, lines or geometrical patterns, including form constants, or as figurative (representational) images. They may be monochromatic or richly colored, still or moving, flat or three-dimensional (offering an impression of perspective). Imagery representing movement through tunnels of light is also reported. Individual images are typically fleeting and given to very rapid changes. They are said to differ from dreams proper in that hypnagogic imagery is usually static and lacking in narrative content,[17] although others understand the state rather as a gradual transition from hypnagogia to fragmentary dreams,[25] i.e., from simple "eigenlicht" to whole imagined scenes

The last factor Id like to mention is the ability to change my point of focus on the vision by moving my physical eyes. It works in exactly the same manner as waking focusing upon things with your eyes. This feels significant to me, as I would think if the image was a static vision generated by either the imagination, or the cells of the eyes, that simply moving my eyes would produce no focus change at all, since moving the eyes could only change the focus point of a stimulus external to the organ itself, and not internal. But its literally like Im looking through a physical tunnel / window / gap in space.

Another thing to add, is that I am essentially completely awake when these occur. I have full command over my body (no paralysis), breathing, eyes, eye lids, etc, and am able to enjoy these fleeting glimpses fully consciously. They can last up to 7 or 8 seconds, too, with the image remaining the same, like looking out a window pane onto a mostly static landscape.

All of this doesnt seem to fit into the normally accepted bands of hypnagogia, and in my other sleep experiences, I have witnessed what would be deemed classic hypnagogic visions, and they are nothing compared to these.

So Im looking for insight into this phenomena from others who know more about it than I do, or from those who maybe have experienced the same thing.

Does any/everyone experience this?

BTW this is placed into paranormal because I was thinking this might be some type of spontaneous remote viewing.


edit on 2/18/2013 by CaticusMaximus because: (no reason given)

edit on 2/18/2013 by CaticusMaximus because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 12:45 PM
Hey there,

I think i kind of know what you are experiencing. I myself have "suffered" from exploding head syndrome, and Hypnagogia since i was a kid. I always thought the things i was noticing right when i was on the edge of falling asleep was normal and i assumed everyone experienced it until i started asking questions to friends and family. It took me until i was 18 years old to realize that not everyone hears a loud boom, or hears/sees things when they are in that strange place between being awake and asleep.

The way you describe what you see is different than what i see. Your visions seem a lot more defined and...awesome haha. When i am falling asleep i will usually hear that loud bang in my head (exploding head syndrome), then i will see colorful geometric shapes and then i will also hear what sounds like voices saying words i can't really make out (i dont think i'm crazy...).

To help you out and try to understand what is happening the best i can say is, from my understanding our pineal gland activates during sleep and helps create our dreams...Scientists have done research and found that our pineal gland has retina's just like our eyes do but we aren't sure why. Part of me thinks we are like little sensor's picking up on some kind of radio wave from something we can't see or understand and while we are on the edge of sleep our pineal gland picks up on visions or sounds that we wouldn't normally hear or see.

Maybe you are picking up on something such as remote viewing like you said, or maybe you picked up on an image almost like a TV channel? i'm not really sure how to answer your question, but hopefully this helps a little...I've go through something similar to you so i felt i had to comment even if it doesn't help! hopefully you can keep having these visions and enjoy them. Who knows, maybe you'll find meaning in them someday.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by Honestabe28

Thanks for responding. I think we are experiencing two different things; I rarely hear that "boom", but sometimes (rarely) have. Its more of a really loud *pop* for me though, and startles me awake.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 01:33 PM
I used To think it was a pre cognitive vision or out of body vision of some sort...but ...I'm not so sure now. I think there is such a large portion of our brain that we don't use that it could be a combination of things...and I now think after hearing others stories that the visions you see are part of your DNA. I think it is partial memory visions from our DNA handed down from your ancestors...which also has to do with déjà vu..( but that's another topic) ..I think our DNA has blurbs of memory handed down to well as genetic disorders. We have genetic memory handed down too

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 01:34 PM
I've had similar to that when starting to go to sleep sometimes. Like a dream that starts before I'm asleep yet.
Very vivid, and the times when it happens, my dreams seem to relate to that all night.
Almost like I can sort of direct the dream.

I've also wondered about certain dreams, the really detailed ones.
Some just feel too real, and are remembered for so long afterwards. The ones that take place in places where I've never been, I really wonder about.

Hypnogogia sounds strange from that description. I don't think I've ever experienced that at all. Definitely no loud sounds.

posted on Feb, 19 2013 @ 12:40 PM
I have experienced EXACTLY what you are describing. Particularly the sensation of being 'awake' or conscious. I am aware of the bed I'm in and the blanket on me, and the feeling of my eyes being closed.

I, too can move my eyes around the scene, but unfortunately mine are also short, and the more I move around, the shorter the experience seems to last.

My visions are often of the same place, or same type of place. It's a cozy little 'den' or reading room with a fireplace and a mantle with bookshelves. There are hundreds of books there. Whenever I've tried to concentrate on one book long enough to read its title, I've woken up.

Otherwise, I can just stare at the shelves for as long as it lasts.

I have often wondered if this wasn't a form of 'remote viewing' myself. It's experiences like this - along with other curious things I've noticed about dreams - that make me wonder if most dreams aren't some form of 'out-of-body' experience. A 'place' your consciousness 'goes' to get external input. Perhaps even with other individual dreamers sharing the experience.

If that's a little too far-fetched, think of it how Honestabe28 suggested - that some dreams are 'channels' that we tune into, to get input from an external source.

I do believe that most dreams are simply the brains way of sorting info that happens at night which may or may not have a "meaning" or "message" for you. I'm just also willing to consider that they may be much more than that.

posted on Feb, 19 2013 @ 12:56 PM
Glad you know what Im talking about. I knew some others had to be experiencing the same thing.

Originally posted by Teratoma

My visions are often of the same place, or same type of place. It's a cozy little 'den' or reading room with a fireplace and a mantle with bookshelves. There are hundreds of books there. Whenever I've tried to concentrate on one book long enough to read its title, I've woken up.

Sounds very pleasant. All of mine have been of nature scenes. A southwest style desert area, forests, etc. They always differ. I cant remember other places if there has been any.

Originally posted by Teratoma

I have often wondered if this wasn't a form of 'remote viewing' myself. It's experiences like this - along with other curious things I've noticed about dreams - that make me wonder if most dreams aren't some form of 'out-of-body' experience. A 'place' your consciousness 'goes' to get external input. Perhaps even with other individual dreamers sharing the experience.

I do think every night we are OBEing, but I think there are two different types of "dreams". Normal dreams are low resolution as I call them, and are relatively emotionless. They are just a strange tapestry of subconscious vomitings, as I would describe some of mine
The other "dreams" would be actual OBEs, that are high resolution, feel hyper real, as in more real than real, and are filled with emotion. Those are the really memorable ones.

I do think these are some kind of spontaneous remote viewing though, that we are experiencing. I do not believe that the brain can spontaneously create such hyper detailed images with such high resolution and logical order instantaneously. The source is external IMO.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 10:39 AM
I know what you are talking about. I have also experienced seeing a hole in the darkness behind closed eyes, which has some scene inside it. I usually experience this later in the night’s sleep (the normal hypnogogic state is usually the only thing experienced at the beginning of the night's sleep, although there's some strange experiences at that end of the sleep too - e.g. feeling something/someone sitting on the bed).

I always experience the hole with the image inside it (or 'fragment' of image - however you decide to describe it) when in that state between dreaming and awake. Sometimes I simply become aware in that state and notice that the darkness has taken on a sort of liquidy-softness - much more 'alive' looking than when looking at the darkness straight from the normal waking state. Then I will notice a very in the distance little hole with movements going on inside it. It will begin to come towards me, growing larger as it does. Sometimes I see natural scenes inside it, other times I've seen, for instance, a living room in a house.

Another way I have seen this hole in the darkness with imagery/scenery inside it, is when coming straight out of a dream and seeing the dream scene I have just been in still in front of me in the darkness. The perimeter of the scene (that divides it from the surrounding darkness) is never perfectly rounded, usually more jagged. It’s a bit like if the darkness behind closed eyes is a dark paper screen and you tear a part of the middle away to reveal some of a scene behind it. I have learnt that if I keep the proper mental state I can allow this scene to get closer and closer to me, and larger and larger, until it surrounds me completely. I do this by adopting a carefree, very relaxed, almost sleepy and disinterested state.

The key is to behave just as you would normally when falling asleep but keep a spark of awareness (or ‘critical consciousness’). It is essential to keep in this state until you feel you have ‘clicked’ into the scene properly. Once I let the scene surround me and then tried to run in it as soon as it surrounded me, but that caused it to recede back to the ‘scene in the hole’ in the darkness behind closed eyes. So I then let it get nearer and nearer again. Making sure that I wasn’t actively searching round the image in an analytical way, but just gazing, in a mildly disinterested fashion – like you would if sun bathing on a warm summers day and just watching people go by or clouds passing by in the sky – only slightly interested, but just enjoying the relaxation. By doing this, and holding that mental state (even when the whole scene surrounds me) I ensure it does not recede back again. I wait until I feel ‘solidly’ in the scene, only then I can move around and explore the place.

So I find the key to exploring these scenes is to keep very relaxed, allow a dreamy state of mind to govern your mental state. Very alert and analytical mind states will only have a few moments to view these scenes. So you have to behave in the only way you’re normally allowed into the dream state: by adopting a sleepy, unfocused, ‘take it or leave it’ attitude. The difference, however, between this and when you normally go to sleep, is you allow just a drop of awareness to accompany your relaxed state.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 11:04 AM
I have experienced the same thing. First I was aware of blurry lights, flashes and then places I didn't saw before. Very detailed and vivid. Then I saw people in those places.
I somehow knew it was not a dream, because I could not interact and if I became too much conscius of it , I would lose the conection. So I suspected it was my third eye.
Then every morning, just in the moment of waking up, I tryed to see with my minds eye (and eyes closed). A tunnel would appear and after a brief moment a very detaled image.
But I haven't discover how to direct or control the eye. Everytime I tryed with a conscius effort, I lose connection. I am surprised to find out you can move your eyes and move the sight, without being too aware of your own body... I guess I need to keep trying...

Any advise will be appreciated!!

Cool thread!
edit on 23-2-2013 by AstralAlien because: Spelling

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by CaticusMaximus

Everything you've described is classic hypnogogic imagery.

What you need to understand is that HI is setting the stage for any dreams that follow. The point where HI ends and dreaming begins is the moment you acquire a dream body. So the HI stage can cover a wade array of visuals, from a single object of focus to a full scene. HI will grow in complexity until you reach the point that you can house a dream body in the scene. The complexity of your starting point may vary, but as long as you don't have a dream body, it's hypnogogic imagery.

This HI acts as a seed that the rest of the dream will form around. The dream forms around what you have your attention focused on, which is usually HI. But on occasion, you dream body will just pop out without a HI seed, in which case the dream will default around the last thing your were aware of, which is being in bed in your room, resulting in an scenario that seems like an OBE. But it's still just a dream.

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by CaticusMaximus
Glad you know what Im talking about. I knew some others had to be experiencing the same thing.

Originally posted by Teratoma

My visions are often of the same place, or same type of place. It's a cozy little 'den' or reading room with a fireplace and a mantle with bookshelves. There are hundreds of books there. Whenever I've tried to concentrate on one book long enough to read its title, I've woken up.

Sounds very pleasant. All of mine have been of nature scenes. A southwest style desert area, forests, etc. They always differ. I cant remember other places if there has been any.

Originally posted by Teratoma

I have often wondered if this wasn't a form of 'remote viewing' myself. It's experiences like this - along with other curious things I've noticed about dreams - that make me wonder if most dreams aren't some form of 'out-of-body' experience. A 'place' your consciousness 'goes' to get external input. Perhaps even with other individual dreamers sharing the experience.

I do think every night we are OBEing, but I think there are two different types of "dreams". Normal dreams are low resolution as I call them, and are relatively emotionless. They are just a strange tapestry of subconscious vomitings, as I would describe some of mine
The other "dreams" would be actual OBEs, that are high resolution, feel hyper real, as in more real than real, and are filled with emotion. Those are the really memorable ones.

I do think these are some kind of spontaneous remote viewing though, that we are experiencing. I do not believe that the brain can spontaneously create such hyper detailed images with such high resolution and logical order instantaneously. The source is external IMO.

That what u talkin is about,probably:
This states are:
-You in your past life
-You in your future life
-You in your current life, one of options, wich created by your choices
-Somebody somewhere sometime regarding your life/s.
and some other stuff
Find: Anthony Peake

posted on Sep, 13 2021 @ 11:34 PM
OMG!!! I HOPE WITH ALL OF MY BEING, THIS WILL BE SEEN IN ‘21…. I must first apologize as I am absolutely not familiar with forums and do not know the lingo. This is also directed to the person who started the original post, but especially this particular post!

The story begins EXACTLY the same as the original post.. researching hypnagogia and hypnopompic experiences, just wasn’t cutting it, although, I do experience both more often than not. I’ve seen the others who “thought” may have known the experience, but I need to say that there is no “I think I know” about it. The experience is so distinct, that you would absolutely know without doubt.

TO TERATOMA!: I tried but was unable to attach a screenshot of my journaling note so I’ll just “” it…

Again, these were just notes, so it’s going to contain grammatical errors and possibly parts that may not make much sense but only to myself. This is the first time I’ve anything related my experiences…what does this seem to you?

Created: March 15, 2021:

“Woke up for a little while, briefly opened my eyes but was kept in the waking state and with my eyes closed, I could see what appeared to be someone sitting at a desk, either reading or writing something but from from the angle of his back. Positive it was a male, but he was seated at a desk with what appeared to be a bookshelf desk... this has been a recurring theme, I see people writing. I’ve written other descriptions that I’ll recover and move to this section. But I’ve seen a guy sitting on the floor writing, I’ve had another desk with a guy writing from a side view. The settings are always detailed as if it were real life.. same surroundings as if I am sitting writing this. I wonder what theme this is about. The writing and cartoons that I always see.”

I really hope that you guys are still around to talk about this. I was floored after reading…. again, I don’t really do forums and only created an account to reach out, just to say, I’ll do my best to make sure an keep eye on a reply.

I always hoped to find some answers… but not once had I ever thought that I could find something so similar. In my mind, these are damn near identical!

a reply to: Teratoma

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