posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 02:39 AM
Clearly, the US congress has proven repeatedly and beyond doubt they are not “one of us” and are sorely out of touch with the reality of those of
us who have to actually work to survive. Their inability to understand basic math, simple layman’s economics, and the consequences from when you
spend more than you take in is redundantly stupefying. When I think about it, I suppose I should point out in their defense most of them have no
experience in the real world.
Working in healthcare (until they shut me down recently), I heard the mantra “waste, fraud, and abuse” more times than I care to recall. However,
as in my case and a few others I personally witnessed, the uneducated and unprovoked approach has been to assume that everyone in the industry is
guilty, and the potential to prove innocence for those who actually are innocent has been placed out of reach. In the American healthcare system today
it is far easier to be successful if you are willing to lie, cheat, or steal your way to the top. If you are honest, however, it is very difficult if
not impossible navigating the cumbersome maize of bureaucracy. Without hesitation I can assure you by the simplest act of applying a small degree of
common sense and good old detective work, it would be quite easy to weed out the bad apples. In fact if they were to ask nicely, everyone in that
environment could tell them who is ethical and who is not.
But nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo,
The regulators just won’t listen. Instead, they continue to ignore obvious signs of wrongdoing, chase after the honest little guy who can’t defend
himself, can’t collect anything because the guy they ruined didn’t have anything to give, while the villains are making off with billions and
billions of dollars every year in plain sight. When a legislator or insurance salesman says medical care is becoming more expensive because of
research, actual costs, labor, etc they are either stupid or lying. The real reason healthcare is so expensive is because fraud is unbounded and those
who would be willing to work for reasonable rates can’t survive the dual brutality of a clueless government and unscrupulous competition.
There is a lady my wife and I know very well who manages a staffing service. She has told us that she has heard her temporary staff members several
times bemoaning the fact that they still need to have one or two more babies so they can quit working and let the government pay for all their food,
housing, and living expenses. It’s just too terrible a burden to have to work until they may be almost thirty years old before they can have enough
kids to “retire” courtesy of the working contingent of our country. Our friend is rightfully insulted. She and her husband carefully made their
life plan when they married and stuck to it. Education first. Then solid and reliable careers, pay off college loans and debt, then finally have the
family they always dreamed of. It can be done, and they could still be young enough to enjoy their lives yet mature enough to make the absolute best
of all worlds.
After eight years of marriage, it is still only the two of them but they have met their goals, and are looking forward to that family they have worked
so hard to earn. In addition, they also faithfully continue to support those who surround them who are not willing to contribute to society. We are
all paying for those who prefer to sacrifice dignity, ethics, morals, etc., because they know they can get everything for free.
Of course, there are many, many families and individuals who have fallen on hard times without a safety net that should have somewhere to turn. There
are a great number of those who would gladly take jobs that others consider beneath them in order to support their families. For example, any disabled
United States war veteran. How many of them fought in wars they DIDN’T believe in because they DID believe in their duty to God, family, country, or
something similar? They go, they become disabled, come home, and are kicked to the curb by the government in favor of encouraging freeloaders instead
of heroes.
In short, it would take such a very, very short time to completely and painlessly strengthen the financial ledger in the US if:
• We quit sticking our nose in everyone else’s business
• Stopped screaming “war” at the drop of a hat
• Actually let the government services designed to weed out fraud do their job and teach them how to do it right
• Placed redundant, non-necessary, and unproductive government agencies on a rapid extinction list
• Stopped stealing money from the seniors who have paid their share into the Medicare program
• And quit paying so many people to stand around shamelessly with their hand held out and not willing to at least try to earn their way
For those who cannot survive financially for legitimate reasons, we need to be there. That is what the programs were/should be for, but I fear the
percentage of honest claims for assistance is miniscule. There is no legitimate argument disputing the fact that if our government were a business and
the system actually worked, the US would have been in bankruptcy and a large number of our politicians would be in prison.
Getting too wound up, so I’m done.
It’s a simple question really.
Where is the common sense and decency this country’s leadership so ubiquitously and hypocritically preaches to the world?