posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 01:02 AM
With all the different threads about meteoroids all over the place this week I want to add my own sighting from earlier this week.
It was on tuesday night at 11pm and I was just leaving a mates place. He lives in a small township just south of Adelaide, South Australia. We were
standing out the front having a smoke as I don't smoke in my car. I noticed a shooting star that faded rapidly to the southern part of the sky. A
minit or two later as I walked up to my car, I heard a crackling sound and as I looked up there was a fireball comming in at a steep angle.
It was bathed in a blue flame with a bright red outer flame that left a classic fire tail, kind of like a bunsen burner. I noticed only a short smoke
trail but it was pretty dark. It would have come down 1-2 kms away I'd say but again it was hard to judge the distance. The sighting only lasted for
about 3 seconds before it disappeared from view behind some close trees.
I did'nt think much of it as I have seen a couple before, but after seeing all of the other threads I'm guessing that the Earth is passing though
debris of some kind. Was it a meteor field with the main body of it hitting Russia the other day?