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Master stroke thread

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posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 09:37 PM
What survival strategies can you suggest to a beginner that will be aces in the whole to a begginner in terms of rapid preparations that even the poorest in American can achieve with limited resources and traditional survival techniques in mind from the colonial Americas.

For example the way that tribes would make pemmican and dried herbs and food

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 09:53 PM
Honestly the best survival strategies are know what kind of disaster your likely to face. Hurricane's, tornados, blizzards, and then preparing for them accordingly.

The next step is to have a place mapped out to go to, a full tank of gas, and enough money to get there in a hurry. Odds are the disaster will be localized so you just need a quick exit route and a plan. Try to stay off the main freeways and such.

Anything bigger than that would take more than just a few tips to survive.

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 09:58 PM
To be honest bro, if you live in north America, you need an ax, a good one, I recommend a fiskars. A hardened steel or Damascus blade around 7 inches long. A good portable sharpener. A sub zero sleeping bag and 10 x 8 tarp with a good waterproof bag to keep it all in.

If possible, some fishing gear, a few hooks, 50' of line, a bobber and sinker. A fire arm, crossbow, sling shot, mace, 500 ft 550 paracord. 20+ hour led torch on a single battery and a basic med kit.

Realize that nothing you can buy will substitute for knowledge, arm yourself with that and you will be fine.

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by Sergiana

My survival strategy will be wholly dependant on a good home fire suppression system.
You never know when your'e gonna get cornered.

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by Sergiana
What survival strategies can you suggest to a beginner that will be aces in the whole to a begginner

I recommend the Mossberg 500 Persuader - 18", loaded with 9 pellet 00 Buck.

It has just enough spread to cover your ignorance...

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 10:43 PM
Buy a book on basic survival skills and practice them.

Like what wild foods could I eat in my area.
How to skin and gut an animal.
Fire and shelter.
Get a water purifier, preferably portable.

One of the most important elements to survival is between your ears, your brain. DO NOT PANIC, use your wits and practice all elements of the 5 Basics before you may need to rely on them.

can purify water, cook food, signal rescuers, provide warmth, light and comfort, help keep predators at a distance, and can be a most welcome friend and companion. Each and every person who ventures into the Outdoors should have a minimum of two ways to start a fire with them, one on their person at all times and the other with their gear.

is the means by which you protect your body from excess exposure from the sun, cold, wind, rain or snow. Anything that takes away or adds to your overall body temperature can be your enemy

are vital towards your survival. Ration your sweat not your water intake. Try to drink only in the cool of the evening. You can live up to three days without water. DO NOT eat plants you do not know.

is not just the basic medical needs, it is the primary way in which you act to survive. DO NOT PANIC, remain calm and do what you have to do to take care of YOU. STOP means Sit, Think, Observe, and Plan.

After a few hurricanes I have been through,the best thing is prepare for the worst,hope for the best and have a positive attitude.

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 10:53 PM
I don't even understand what the OP is asking.

Can someone translate to english please ?

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by Sergiana
What survival strategies can you suggest to a beginner that will be aces in the whole to a begginner in terms of rapid preparations that even the poorest in American can achieve with limited resources and traditional survival techniques in mind from the colonial Americas.

For example the way that tribes would make pemmican and dried herbs and food

Cranielsponge,they are asking on how to rapidly prepare,which means unprepared.

My answer is if you ask that question,maybe you should go ahead and prepare.

As far as the pemmican and dried herbs and such,they are looking a little to far out from what their abilities are and should concentrate on the basics.


posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by kdog1982

Ah, I see.
Thanks for the response.

This is the part that lost me and I couldn't grasp what the OP was asking at that point:

can you suggest to a beginner that will be aces in the whole to a begginner

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by CranialSponge
reply to post by kdog1982

Ah, I see.
Thanks for the response.

This is the part that lost me and I couldn't grasp what the OP was asking at that point:

can you suggest to a beginner that will be aces in the whole to a begginner

After a hurricane or tornado or meteor shower destroys you place or others ,the first priority is to make sure YOU are ok and then check on everyone else ,you can't help others if you can't help yourself.
Help your neighbors.If the big SHTF happens,you will need help as they will need yours.
Survival works best when others help each other out.A city becomes a multitude of small tribes in those scenarios.

Our small "tribe" made sure the roads were cleared and grilled out the food thawing out in the freezer and plenty of beer was on hand.

posted on Feb, 17 2013 @ 04:15 PM
Survival is simply doing without. If you told a person from the 18th Century to do without electricity forever their life would continue on as normal becuase they had no electricity or running water.

There are different aspects to survivalism, which takes on a hobby style approach: such as people who are really into herbs, canning, extreme backpacking, or firearm sports.

So it's not so much about prepping for a particular disaster, it's about preparing to do without something.

The first question you need to ask yourself is: what are you willing to do without?

If the answer is nothing, then you might want to start looking at those million dollar bunkers with all kinds of fancy generators and communications.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by Sergiana

What survival strategies can you suggest to a beginner that will be aces in the whole to a begginner in terms of rapid preparations that even the poorest in American can achieve with limited resources and traditional survival techniques in mind from the colonial Americas.

Have a BOB (Bug Out Bag)...and have it with you wherever you go (like in your car).
1) It should be small enough to easily carry (like a school backpack or smaller)
2) It should have everything you need to survive for at least 3 days
3) Minimum, you should have: food, water, a knife in it
4) More supplies are helpful, and all depends...think of what is important to you (like if you have meds, for example, etc.)

The purpose of a BOB is not to survive indefinitely with it, but to get you to your "safe place"...which leads to...

Have a PLAN. You need to know WHERE you are going to go for a given disaster (home, a friend or relatives, etc.) and HOW you will get there. If you can't prep yourself, maybe try and find out if a family member or friend is a closet prepper, and convince them of your added value to the team. Teamwork will be key for surviving a SHTF situation.

Both of these things are minimal cost. You could assemble a good BOB over time, using things you get at Walmart. However, do NOT skimp on the knife, get a good knife.

While it's great to be able to stockpile food/water, etc., it isn't always cost effective, or practical. Water is the main concern, your safe place (your house or another's) will need a replenish-able water source (like a well, or pond/lake, stream, etc.). Food is key also, whether hunting, fishing, or foraging (looting), or growing your own. Keep in mind, if looting, it's highly possible others will be there to defend such targets, and without modern medicine, fights are to be avoided at all costs. Keep your looting to abandoned targets.

Honestly, I doubt any real event will ever occur that wouldn't have us back to normal inside of 3 months, 6 months tops...but even still, those months will be a nightmare (or doom) those who aren't at least somewhat prepared.

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