I have seen quite a few ‘conspiracy theorists’ who profess that the moon is an artificial object dragged into Earth’s orbit by an alien species
with an express desire to inhabit and colonize earth (some say Mars was previously colonized too). Could this really be true? I find this very
fascinating and thought of doing some research of my own. Where better to start than to turn to the ancient texts, primarily astrology which most
civilizations religiously followed (including the
magi). What I found dumbfounded me as almost all civilizations across the globe from East to
West all seem to correlate to a same single source. Could this point to the one true source of our origins which our so-called ‘creators’ didn’t
want us to know – hence multiplied us in tongues and cultures that we could not build the tower of Babel?
For example, would you for a moment have thought that Lithuania’s Baltic Mythology which is decidedly pagan (and dare I say castigated in medieval
times) in fact shared the same gods related to in Vedic Hinduism? Vedic Hinduism is also finds exact matches to Greek mythology. Greek mythology also
matches with Roman mythology. Vedic Astrology in turn also matches to Thai Astrology which also relates to Tibetan and other Far Eastern astrology.
How could that be unless at some point in time they all did correlate to a single source?
And how does the moon fit into all these mythologies? Well in almost all them, the moon is the interfering factor. For example, in Vedic astrology the
moon is depicted as beautiful, handsome Lord, but the one who upsets the balance of other solar deities; and thus is castigated to the outer realms as
the bad guy. This is exemplified today when we see how Vedic astrologers study an individual’s chart by correlating the individual’s ruling
constellations vis-à-vis the ‘lunar’ mansions the constellations reside in at the point of his/her birth as well as its current positioning. The
same can be said when we talk of Chinese astrology, which only follows the “Lunar” calendar and demonstrates highly accurate readings of human
behavior based on the lunar year of birth.
Eastern Moon versus Western Moon:
In order to elaborate further, let’s compare how the moon’s characteristic in two cultures: Vedic mythology versus Baltic mythology.
In Vedic astrology, the moon,
Chandra is the lord of plants and vegetation. He is described as young, beautiful, fair. He is one of the gods of
Chandra is however, unfortunate in life. Born in the Ocean of Milk (the gods (aliens?) were churning it for millennia in order to
create immortal life), and nearly blinded the gods with his bright glow. The gods gave
Chandra the status of a planet and placed him in the
cosmos. Chandra is known for having disastrous love affairs. His first lover, Tara, was the wife of Brihaspati (Jupiter, Zeus). From their union, Tara
became pregnant with
Budha (Mercury, not to be confused with the other Buddha). Because of how he was conceived, Mercury hated his father and
their rivalry continues to this day (Mercury in retrograde, anyone?). For the sin of abducting another god's consort,
Brahma (the Universal
Creator) banished
Chandra to the outer atmosphere (explains Moon’s fixed orbit around the Earth instead of the Sun). After which
Chandra sets out to marry the 27 daughters (lunar mansions) of
Daksha allowed this on condition that the moon does not
favor any daughter over the other.
Chandra failed to do this, and Daksha placed a curse on him that took away his luster.
Now compare that to some factual points to note here:
1) The surface of Mercury
closely resembles that of the moonthan any other planet.
2) Moon doesn’t orbit around the sun, but around the Earth (credence to ‘banishment’ from ‘planetary’ status)
3) All life (be it a woman’s menstruation cycle or a plant’s regenerative capacity or the oceans’ tides) is directly related to the moon.
Now comparing the above to Lithuanian Mythology:
Saule and
Menuo/Meness (the Moon) were wife and husband. Menuo fell in love with Aušrine (the morning star or Venus). For his
Perkunas, the thunder god (i.e. Zeus/Jupiter) punished Menuo.
What’s even more amazing is the words in such a far-fetched Baltic mythology even matches to the Sanskrit wording used in Vedic Hinduism. For
example, Jupiter is
Indraja (Baltic) and correlates to
Indra (Sanskrit) in the Vedas. And the Baltic word
Dievas (gods) matches
Devas (gods) in Sanskrit.
Furthermore, the twin vedic divine horsemen
Ashvins (Greek Castor and Pollux) correlate to
Asvieniai in Lithuanian mythology. In Vedic
Hinduism Ashvins are the sons of
Saranya (Orion belt- female) and
Surya (Osiris, Sirius – male; same as in Egyptian mythology). Both
are represented either by head of a horse (Aries) or by honey or beehives. Lithuanian culture too depicts the Asvieniai with common motifs on
beehives, horse harnesses and other household objects. This is also similar to the Latvian
Dieva deli as well as
Alcis (twin male gods)
worshipped by the Naharvali, an ancient Germanic tribe.
Colors of the Day
This correlating pattern is not just restricted to Baltic culture but can also be found in Greek/Roman mythology as well. For example the naming
convention of days in a week used in English today correlates to the latter-day lingua franca used by Indians today (not just the Northern Hindi, but
even Southern Dravidian languages like Tamil, Malayalam). For example, each day we have today is attributed to a Roman god, which in turn is the same
in Vedic Hinduism (also the day also corresponds to the same naming convention in Indian languages).
Day Roman Vedic
Sunday Sun Surya
Monday Moon Chandra
Tuesday Mars Mangala
Wednesday Mercury Budha
Thursday Jupiter Brihaspati (Indra)
Friday Venus Shukra
Saturday Saturn Shani
Further more, Thai Astrology attributes
colors for each of these days which is the same
concept as
colors of the chakras. Have you noticed that during meditation; the colors of the
chakras (auras) resemble that of a rainbow? Why is it that the same colors (and in same sequence) are used? Well, we know light when inter-dispersed
through a prism breaks-down into rainbow colors; in the same fashion our human-body is spiritually attuned to Light. Light is the essence of our
Creator - as attested to in the RigVeda and the Bible. We are made in the image of the Creator (i.e. Light). In other words, we essentially are
light-beings. This is why meditating through the different rainbow colors are crucial for guided meditations, deep relaxation and past-life
regressions (it awakens your pineal gland – known as the Third Eye).
(To be Contd)