posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 10:17 AM
There is no doubt in my mind that the NWO is taking its first steps in Europe. However there is one thing these people seem to ignore and that is
human nature. First of all nothing stays the way it is, things always change. So now they made Europe one country [no not really but they are trying
their best], Scotland wants to seperate from England and stand on its own to [wobbly] feet.
That is to be expected, after unifications come seperations. Basically because we are all too different. There are too many local habits.
After the fall of the wall, we gained a bunch of new [old really] countries that had been swallowed up by big Russia. Why?
Because people are different and it doesn't work well putting them all in one pot.
It seems that wars are only fought to make 'difficult' countries integrate, bring them up to scratch and then make them join [whatever the plan
But we are all different animals and we will never have the same beliefs, outlooks, rituals, habits, tastes, judicial system, outlooks. It is
impossible to do. you can make them 'look' as if they belong to the club by maybe forcing them to speak the same language, teach them the same at
school etc but once the general image is evened, humans tend to see differences close up. This leads to bonding of tribes.
I went to a large school, with over 2000 kids and we were all treated the same but humans can't cope naturally with such high numbers, we started to
bond by classes [us against the next one], for bigger events we bonded by
Year [all classes in one year]. And only for sports events against other schools did we recognise our school as a unit.
The best amount of people you can deal with is 150. This is scientifically proven. This can not be taken away by a NWO. Even if we all spoke the same
language, shopped in the same shops and watched the same TV, smaller groups MUST form in order for us to understand our surroundings.
So even if there was a NWO, there would always have to be small groups to differentiate themselves from the total. Not even necessarily against it,
there will be discernible groups.
If it isn't possible in real life, then we may join thought groups online. Smaller group forming is so engrained in human nature, there is nothing
anyone can do about it.
And if you have smaller groups they have the tendency to wanting to be free of the total. This has happened throughout history.
Roman empire, desperate tries to get everyone up to the roman
Germans trying to the same... [once Austria and Holland belonged to us] fail.
Europe...will fail.
Humans can not be made into a homogenous race if we tried. Thanks to chaos theory, personal differences and emotions the NWO will fail too, even if it
'enjoys' a few years/decades of apparent success.
I am sure the plan is there. That is also a human trait, bringing small groups together and making them bigger.
So I end as I started. Nothing is ever static, as humans we will bring things together but then they will fall apart again. One day the NWO will
happen, then it will be a thing of the past again. And on and on and on like that...if we all survive that long as a species.