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Weird Dream...

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posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 04:54 PM
Ok, just so you know before I get into this, i'm not really that spiritual nor am I that religious but something occured the other night and i'm started to question what on earth it actually means as I know some people have theories on the fact dreams "mean" something...

What does it mean when you see and speak to a dead person in a dream, in my dream my deceased father was actually alive, but, I knew in the dream that he was supposed to be dead as I thought It was real life, but couldn't quite figure the @#$@ out how he was in front of me and talking to me, it was the most in depth dream I've ever possibly had and now I feel physically and emotionally drained... I do not know why or how this has happened but it's the first ever time it has, if someone could help me out, would be very much appreciated as it's been on my mind constantly and I preferably don't want to make my brain think on overdrive as it'd just make it worse for me.... Just to let you know aswell, there wasn't really a key message, it was just like a really really long conversationg with him as if we were catching up... going through life, girlfriends, football (soccer for some of you) and just other random things that I would have generally talked about with my Dad... Anyone have any suggestion

P.S i'm relatively new and I wasn't sure what Forum this should go on so feel free to move it mods..

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by spilly911

Probably in the hocus pocus dream and prophecy forum. This is the Science and Technology forum.

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by VonDoomen

Technically it's neuroscience, Sir. But regardless thank you for letting me know.

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by spilly911
Ok, just so you know before I get into this, i'm not really that spiritual nor am I that religious but something occured the other night and i'm started to question what on earth it actually means as I know some people have theories on the fact dreams "mean" something...

What does it mean when you see and speak to a dead person in a dream, in my dream my deceased father was actually alive, but, I knew in the dream that he was supposed to be dead as I thought It was real life, but couldn't quite figure the @#$@ out how he was in front of me and talking to me, it was the most in depth dream I've ever possibly had and now I feel physically and emotionally drained... I do not know why or how this has happened but it's the first ever time it has, if someone could help me out, would be very much appreciated as it's been on my mind constantly and I preferably don't want to make my brain think on overdrive as it'd just make it worse for me.... Just to let you know aswell, there wasn't really a key message, it was just like a really really long conversationg with him as if we were catching up... going through life, girlfriends, football (soccer for some of you) and just other random things that I would have generally talked about with my Dad... Anyone have any suggestion

P.S i'm relatively new and I wasn't sure what Forum this should go on so feel free to move it mods..

Well, first of all, the fact that you recognized that he was in fact dead, contains some element of lucidity. Lucid dreaming is basically one's ability to navigate through their dreams consciously knowing you are in a dream state. The fact that you had awareness of the fact that your father was dead lends me to believe that you were having a lucid dream and nothing more.

Your subconcience obviously wants to ask your father questions that may have been unanswered, or, just that you miss him and want to have a conversation with him.

I dont see anything out of the ordinary here....

Here is a good website for more info on lucid dreaming: LINK

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by phantomjack

Lucid dreaming, ah, I've heard of it but I never thought I'd be able to do it myself, I've never trained in it and I know you need some sort of element of control and what you're doing, if i'm correct?
Thank you very much for that website as I believe i'll take a look at that before I put my head down tonight, otherwise if it happens again I don't think I'll be in a fit state to go to work... Thank you, Sir.

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by spilly911

Dreams are merely the subconscious mind's way of answering questions or resolving/dealing with issues prevalent in our lives and translating that information to our conscious minds.

There are many different dream "theories" but the one that's always resonated with me the most is that everyone in your dream is really YOU or represents an element of yourself. I'm taking a guess here, but I would think that if your father represented a calm, rational and reasonable figure in your life when he was alive, you were talking things out with the calm, rational and reasonable side of yourself. Think of what your father represented to you and that's usually the answer, at least in my experience.

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by spilly911

oh sorry,, I didn't realize this was a neuroscience thread.

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 07:07 PM
double post - delete
edit on 2/13/2013 by VonDoomen because: (no reason given)

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