posted on Feb, 12 2013 @ 10:46 PM
I have been looking at forehead wrinkles on people and wondering if they can be used to judge the character of people. I see patterns in them and am
noticing that these patterns many times seem to correlate with the jobs they have. Weather the jobs cause the different patterns of the wrinkles or
whether these wrinkles are caused by the frequency the brain functions at is of interest to me.
This is what I am observing about the horizontal wrinkles, but I have only looked at pictures of maybe a thousand people that I knew something about.
I noticed that a lot of scientists have wrinkles that look like wave patterns, like swells in a sea. It appears that actors have a straight line
pattern going across the forehead. Many teachers and politicians also have these straight lines but actually many of them are actors in their
People with many fine wrinkles seem to be hyper and impatient. The ones without wrinkles are hard to classify because they are young or are lacking
the materials to form the stuff that makes the wrinkles. These people may form any type of wrinkles in the future depending on their stress and way
they think. I think drinking alcohol may also dissolve the substance and not let it form into a discernible pattern. A person with little or no
stress may not even get wrinkles, type of stress may what forms their pattern.
Einstein had straight wrinkles but he was also an actor, created by our government to make their research that was stolen look legit. He also
co-published a lot of work with others so it would get accepted. Einstein did know how to put research together though and he solved a lot of puzzles
in the sciences he worked in. He was very intelligent. I think he was both an actor and a scientist but the actor may have given him the straight
Technically the straight lines may mean deceiver even though the deceit could be good or necessary. Worries of being found not to be exactly what you
say you are may cause these kind of forehead wrinkles to be straight. This could not be used to judge a person's morals, just to identify the tactics
they use to accomplish things.
I can't find much of a comparison of the upright wrinkles. When a person gets mad sometimes or feels challenged these often pop out. I don't think
these can be used to judge character though, everyone gets mad sometimes. It could be used to judge a persons mood though, something that I think
people automatically know from experience over the years as they observe people. Knowledge that is recorded in the subconscious and forms a part of
our fight or flight response..
Now this may belong in the disinformation bin but it should be in the research thread because I am asking others if they notice what I have proposed
to possibly be a way of distinguishing types of people. Everyone look around and see what you see and try to add to or modify what I am possibly
What do you guys think of this, could it possibly be used to identify traits of people?
edit on 12-2-2013 by rickymouse because: (no reason