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New site shows all pirated items from torrents!

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posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by Philippines

Originally posted by DarKPenguiN

Originally posted by Philippines

Originally posted by Juggernog
100 bucks says that its funded by the MPAA/RIAA and or their lawyers.

btw, the information isnt always accurate, since im using my mobile hotspot to connect with, Im using an IP addy that has been passed around like a cheap whore, its showing that to have downloaded several things that I never wouldve downloaded.
edit on 2/11/2013 by Juggernog because: (no reason given)

You may not be far off the mark. For me, they are being blocked as being part of "TASK Academic Computer Center", and this is what I get:

Academic Computer Centre TASK/url] - Some Polish computing center I'm not sure why is flagged as of yet

Any other ideas / more research appreciated. It's late here =b

kk here

[url=http://] Second story down talks about how scaneye was used to bust the FBI agents torrenting movies

-There is more but that is a good start

Thanks, I will look into this more later. I have been trying to keep up my privacy much more.

I am happy to be behind a NAT IP address for many thousands of people, in the middle of nowhere, with little to no law for IP infringement. Although that is a terrible practice I have no part of! (Yet the country openly sells pirated discs in front of police)


Interesting fact: most have no idea that one of the first "Pirates" was the very man who started FOX (as in 20th century Fox and later FOX TV and News)- Long but interesting story.

Also, Hollywood still claims Star Wars and lord of the rings has made no profit in order to avoid paying royalties to actors (or in LOTR case, to Tolkiens Family who had to sue)- So.... All is fair in a corrupt system I suppose.

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 01:51 PM
LOL they had one of these sites in the UK a while back, something on the BBC about it, and there monitoring software was all lies. Basicaly these companies are business men with a moderate marketing budget, paying for cheap network analysis software and making a quick buck peddling said cheap software[probably packaged in India] to people who dont really understand in order to cash in on "piracy", its a scam, pure and simple.

Most of these companies fail pretty fast once there clients understand they ARE NOT the NSA and cant actualy monitor the entire internet and that piracy although whilst a nuisance to there corporate interests is so prevalent now, it just simple cannot be stopped so paying people to do this sort of thing is not entirely worth it.

I think politicians still use piracy as an argument for curbing net freedom and protecting only a very specific few corporate interests such as Apple or Sony, no one else really has the sort of buying power to pay foreign governments to help them enforce there own monopolies with local legislation.

Having said that, I think Japan state executes kids these days for sharing music with there friends or some such nonsense something as frighteningly similar anyway.

Interesting fact: most have no idea that one of the first "Pirates" was the very man who started FOX (as in 20th century Fox and later FOX TV and News)- Long but interesting story.

Hollywood was founded by "pirates" who were basicaly escaping copyright laws from New York, thats how Hollywood started, from intellectual property theft as the corporations like to call it.
edit on 11-2-2013 by Tuttle because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-2-2013 by Tuttle because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 02:34 PM
Completely and utterly useless service. I could go on about spoofing, open wireless networks, encryption, proxies and seedboxes but what would be the point. I would be interested to know how they get this information on users unless a user visits their site and some form of malware scans their drive for anything "infringing". Either that or it has joined every single swarm on the planet, both public and private trackers alike, and mines its data that way. Highly unlikely.

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 05:09 PM
This is funny.. I got home from work and checked my home IP addy on this site and it came up with this.


I know for a fact that ive had the same ip for several months and have downloaded, gigabits of stuff using utorrent.
That site is full of "it"

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by Juggernog

Simple answer, they do not monitor every torrent. In fact they don't do anything new at all. In order for them to have information on your ip they would need to have been part of a swarm for any specific torrent. This constitutes the sum total of what has been used as proof in virtually all filesharing cases.

Here's how it works. A new film/album comes out. Agents of the RIAA/MPAA/BPI then have two options. They can dump a fake version, which all the morons then go grabbing thinking its the real thing when its just a gig of junk data, or they can wait for the first cams or scene releases to appear. In either case their job is to become part of the swarm for that particular file. Any decent torrent client has an option to log any and all connections requests from everyone else in the swarm (some even have the ability to perform file searches, for unrelated seeds, within the swarm itself). All that needs to happen is for your client to connect to theirs and send a complete chunk. This chunk constitutes evidence, thanks mainly to its hash, and because of this ability to verify, they do not need to download the entire file from you, they can simply assume you have the file (complete if a seeder, or partial as a leech), in either case, you are infringing their copyright, as far as they are concerned. Screenshots showing completion and log data o corresponding ip connections in used.

Now one might ask, what is the point of fake files, you can not infringe copyright if the data is junk. This is where the letters usually come from. The naïve can get shafted twice, wasting their bandwidth on rubbish and receiving a threatening letter from a shady law firm demanding money for their troubles.

So nothing new really.

I'm far more interested to know what the future of filesharing will be. We started physical bootlegs, moved on to xdcc, then Gnutella and the edonkey network, and on to usenet and bittorrent. The industry has always played catchup. It's a dinosaur in the digital age. What will be the next big push forward? Far more interesting than their feeble attempts to stop it.
edit on 11-2-2013 by threewisemonkeys because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 07:07 PM
To me, about the worst thing about ScanEye seems to be the creepy eye avatar, which looks like the all-seeing eye.

In all seriousness, though, I thought it was easy to catch Torrent downloaders all along? This site only makes it slightly easier with a GUI, doesn't it?

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide
Walking a very fine line here. I just visited the site and it did show my correct IP and ISP information, but it was way, way, way, way off from being accurate regarding anything else.


Same here ... their site reporting my online download activity was just sooooooo wrong!
In my opinion, nothing more than scare mongering on their part and a pretty useless site.

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by Phatdamage

New site shows all pirated items from torrents!

It probably would have been easier to just link here: Internet Movie DataBase

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide
Walking a very fine line here. I just visited the site and it did show my correct IP and ISP information, but it was way, way, way, way off from being accurate regarding anything else.


Yea when it scanned my IP it said I watched a pirated copy of the Royal Tennebaums on Jan 16 of this year. This is kinda hilarious because not only have I not watched that movie in maybe 2 years, but I actually own that DVD which was legitimately bought.

How do they arrive at this info? It is obviously totally flawed.

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 09:30 PM
It got my IP right, but it had no information on anything I've ever downloaded, and I download quite a bit lol. Website is useless.

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 09:42 PM
I download torrents every day. It has no information on my IP....

posted on Feb, 12 2013 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by WhatAreThey

From what I can find out the site actually only has a small pool of known active torrents, a few thousand, and most of them are films. It would appear they are attempting to fill a non existent gap. The status quo being , agents or representatives of copyright holders simply send out masses of takedown requests to site admins, who either remove the "infringing content" (not that a .torrent contains any infringing content mind you), or tell them to take a long walk off a shot pier. Spouting out the ip from which someone is connecting isn't anything special, nor is it all that accurate for a multitude of reasons. Now if they could index the tens of millions or so torrents floating around and scrape the trackers for peer information as a site like isoHunt did/does, and then use that information to target specific swarms on behalf of a copyright holder, then they would be getting somewhere. As it stands, it looks like they've actually taken a few steps backwards.

edit on 12-2-2013 by threewisemonkeys because: (no reason given)

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