posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 12:35 AM
Hate to point this out, but this effect in the photo is probably due to distortion. There are several possible sources. First, close to the
horizon, the seeing cells tend to be very small -- as the light is refracted within the seeing cells there is plenty of distortion. In addition, your
windshield has two internal surfaces as well as two external surfaces (your camera lens may be more much complex). Distortion of a very bright source
through less than perfect layers of the windshield is likely.
Seeing cells of various sizes are most noticeable at night. When they are small the starts twinkle a lot. When they are large, the stars are steady
and telescopic images are the least distorted. The view straight up, after midnight, tends to be the best for most telescopes because that is where
the seeing cells tend to be largest and the observations the best.