posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by atopsecret
"When modes of music change the fundamental laws of the state change with them."
"Through foolishness they, the people, deceived themselves into thinking that there was no right or wrong in music - that it was to be judged good or
bad by the pleasure it gave.... As it was, the criterion was not music but a reputation for promiscuous cleverness and a spirit of law-breaking."
"One quick way to destroy a society is through its music." -Vladimir Lenin
"It's really a powerful drug. Music can poison you, lift your spirits, or make you sick without knowing why."
-Dr. Adam Knieste
"We manipulate people like crazy ... Every film composer mixes his experiences with a talent for musical manipulation, and then projects that
Machiavellian power gut to gut."
"Music is used everywhere to condition the human mind. It can be just as powerful as a drug and much more dangerous, because nobody takes musical
manipulation very seriously."
-Eddie Manson
"Music is the language of languages. It can be said that of all the arts, there is none that more powerfully moves and changes the consciousness."
-David Tame
"I can explain everything better though music. You hypnotize people to where they go right back to their natural state, and when you get people at
their weakest point, you can preach into their subconscious what we want to say." -Jimi Hendrix
"Someone else is steering me. I'm just along for the ride. I become possessed when I'm on stage." -Angus Young
The Power of Music
You gotta fight, for your right, to....well, you know the rest.