posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 11:09 AM
its only illegal to record audio on someone if they don't know if and what you do/say at work isn't private, its not your time unless you are on a
lunch break or some type of break where you are not getting paid and unless you leave the privately owned building that is video/audio monitored then
if you your conversation is heard or seen that is your problem..
There should be nothing that you say or do at work that should cause you any issues with your job unless you are doing/saying something you shouldn't
be and then you are taking the risk on them firing you...
The reason that when the phone company or telemarketer calls you and say (this recording could be monitored blah blah) is because they have to inform
you by law or they are breaking the wiretapping law but when you are working for someone they can record you all they want audio/video as long as its
not in a private area like in a bathroom stall, they can however still record the inside of the bathroom you just can't see inside the stalls.
Most companies btw like walmart have recording inside the dressing room because you aren't suppose to fully undress in there just down to underwear
so they record to make sure that you are not going into there and stealing things.
But its not your private conversation if you are conducting it on work time, in fact when you are not doing your job that someone is paying you to do
you are in fact stealing from the company. I am very much against this, when I go to work I work hard, I have almost always worked for myself and that
has problably given me more understanding there. People who goof off and work and don't care are the ones always complaining they can't find jobs..
That is because when they call your old boss they tell the potential boss yah this guy just goofs off and wastes time.
As most small business's if you don't run a tight ship and everyone pull their weight then it puts the ship in danger of losing money which can
affect everyone else. My gf works at a small biz that has 12 employee's and is owned by a couple in their late 40's. They make $7mil a year right
now and are on track to make $15mil within the next 5 years. Everyone that works there works really hard from start to finish of the day. Sure they
could hire more people and make less work for everyone but then they would have to cut down on perks, benefits and pay. My gf started at $15hr and she
is reaching the time where they evaluate and up her pay so she should bump to atleast $17hr. She gets full medical benefits even for me (her bf) and
her daughter, they bring in lunch for everyone every day they have a lady that always either orders something or makes everyone something good. For
christmas they took every employee and their spouse to downtown austin and put us in a swanky hotel, took us to the top steakhouse in Austin for a 7
course dinner (#ing amazing) unlimited alcohol (we are all drunks lmao) the bill had to be easily $2500 if not way more and then who knows for the
hotels they run about $300 a room per night. They also have a trip for the workers and families every year that is coming up and they pay for everyone
to go somewhere and stay and we all have fun.
The work is like a big family but the owners understand that when you make $12mil you don't just keep it all for yourself because they wouldn't make
crap without all the people working for them. They treat everyone like a family and with respect, there is VERY low turnover because people have no
reason to leave unless the job just starts to stress them or one lady got preg so she took off for a while on maturnity leave.
They have no cameras and have no need for them becuase everyone loves working there and does their jobs. If all companies followed this business model
then the world would be a better place.