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Question for Wicca/Occultists

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posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 08:33 PM
How did you come about becoming a witch/wizard/magician/Wicca/Occultists?

What does Wicca mean to you(a religion, a group of people, etc)?

Do you have a book of shadow?

I have been thinking to possibly joining some sort of coven or Wicca group...I want to know more about it.
I'm interested in white or "good magick." That of energy and the spiritual. Things you would refer to as a "white witch." Things such as enlightment, astral, healing, etc. I am also seeking a group to practice our supernatural abilities pertaining to psi such as moving of objects and creation of psiballs, protection etc.

I wish to be part of a kind coven. No cursing or evil conjuring or black/evil magick. I do not believe in sacrifices as that is evil in my perception. No sexual rituals etc(you know where im going with this) The only time I would see an animal sacrifice or something like that is to break a very dark spell or protect somebody from a very dark spell or to save a life of a human.

I am asking as I am highly curious. I want insight on what you think about magick and light energy/spells and dark energy/spells. I would like to help cleanse places of evil spirits (to help others). I seek only the good. I don't really want to meddle to much with evil spirits or spirits in general but if it means helping somebody than I would.

Can dark energy/dark spells ever be good?

What do you recommend to study and where can you find a listing of spells and materials required etc.

Where/How would one find such a coven or group? How did you find your group?

If meeting a group for the first time, would it be ok to be scared and will they understand?

edit on 8-2-2013 by QuickWick because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 08:47 PM
read, whats lost is found outside
everything should fall into place if you are ready
if you are not ready death might seem to be seen to follow
but do not worry because life follows after

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 08:54 PM
Be wary. Don't join something that you may not be able to leave. Warning. You can study Occult Science without joining a group anyhow.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 08:55 PM
You dont have to join a group to practice wicca. Their are so many books and so much information on the net, just a click away. Its up to you to make it happen. This is probably your first step, if you plan to join a group then you need to educate your self or you could easily be manipulated. Dont talk to people and say you want to practice good magic it only makes you vulnerable. Just be cautious and educated. You say that you do not want to practice dark magic, it really depends on what you perception of dark really is. I would consider manipulation of a persons life dark even if it has good intentions. But thats just me. Some say the ends justify the means.
For starters I would educate your self on the knowledge of duality. Light vs Dark, female vs male, evil vs good ect.. are all the same.

Their is allot of disinfo coming from the new age movement. Some will claim they are not apart of it yet hold the same idea's and values. It seems good up front but its really just another manipulation tool. Educate your self on new age movement from both duality perspectives so you have standing ground and know what information is true and what is misleading. Their is so much disinformation, its best to learn whats what before you start digging in. One of the oldest examples of leading people away from magic is the church saying its evil. Judaism has many sacrificial rituals. All the brain washing on the tv leads people to believe what has been practiced and mastered for 1000's of years is fake. Because it truly is power full.
edit on 8-2-2013 by Infi8nity because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by Baguul

Thus my question "If meeting a group for the first time, would it be ok to be scared and will they understand?"

Are there many groups out there that once you meet them or start sessions with them, they will not let you go and curse you if you do?

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by Infi8nity

Can you shed some light on what YOUR perception of dark magick is.

Also for the count, I do believe manipulating someone's life to be dark. For me, anything to do with altering people's life would be considered dark to me. Light would be only if they knew and accepted/wanted the changes.

What do you mean by "it makes you vulnerable to tell them you want ot practice good/light magick." I'm assuming there is alot of people tht will teach you dark on purpose for saying this.

Explain a little on how they can manipulate your good intentions.


Note: My family is from Dominican Republic, which is right next to Haiti where alot of Voodoo is practiced. My aunt has told me she is a White Witch and even taught me 1 spell when I was in high school. I however don't really get to talk to her often and that alone see her in real life. I strongly believe in magick and so does my family. I Live in the US though so you see where I'm going with this.

Can you provide some links to the duality perspectives. I truly am curious.

Note2: My mom has some sort of power manifested. She told me as a kid she can smell roses and the dead when someone close/family was about to die. Now as an adult she has dreams of the good and the bad. Good Spirits/entities appear in her dream and give her advice and protect her from evil. She sometimes prays alot in her dreams and sometimes I myself have become very scared as she says in real life (sleep talk) "in the name of christ" "in the name of christ" "in the name of christ" in spanish repeatedly. She says things/people before they die and how they die. Spanish is the only language she knows.

I posted in a recent topic of dreams I am starting to have. Before I didn't have such vivid dreams. Maybe it's manifesting in me? The real supernatural ability I've had is knowing when something is going to happen before it does. For example as a kid I was about 6-8 years old and I knew someone was going to rob my house. It just came to me, however something prevented me from telling anyone. Also when I was around 14 I was at a childhood friends house. his dad on sundays goes to the fish store, he is a doctor and has 2 water tanks filled with fish in his office. I went with them. When I stepped out of the car, something told me they are going to steal the license plate but I was prevented from saying something. About 10 minutes inside the store I check outside and his license plate is still on his car. I was saying I guess I was wrong. After he finished purchasing the fish and food (another 15 mins later) we go out and the license plate is gone from his car.

I seem to have lost these abilities as they don't appear anymore. I would like to know how to manifest them once more.


Anyways back to topic, I would like to know more about Wicca/Occult stuff from my first post.
edit on 8-2-2013 by QuickWick because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by QuickWick

I was wondering what aspect of the occult you was trying to exploit to bend to your agenda of let's say world take over or satan worship?

As I know those Dominican republicans who are well rounded in english language and grammar always have something up their sleeve especially finding sites like ats rather then what college they can go to to make a huge sum of cash off the american dream.
edit on 8-2-2013 by metalholic because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by QuickWick
reply to post by Infi8nity

Can you shed some light on what YOUR perception of dark magick is.

Also for the count, I do believe manipulating someone's life to be dark. For me, anything to do with altering people's life would be considered dark to me. Light would be only if they knew and accepted/wanted the changes.

What do you mean by "it makes you vulnerable to tell them you want ot practice good/light magick." I'm assuming there is alot of people tht will teach you dark on purpose for saying this.

Explain a little on how they can manipulate your good intentions.


Note: My family is from Dominican Republic, which is right next to Haiti where alot of Voodoo is practiced. My aunt has told me she is a White Witch and even taught me 1 spell when I was in high school. I however don't really get to talk to her often and that alone see her in real life. I strongly believe in magick and so does my family. I Live in the US though so you see where I'm going with this.

Can you provide some links to the duality perspectives. I truly am curious.

Note2: My mom has some sort of power manifested. She told me as a kid she can smell roses and the dead when someone close/family was about to die. Now as an adult she has dreams of the good and the bad. Good Spirits/entities appear in her dream and give her advice and protect her from evil. She sometimes prays alot in her dreams and sometimes I myself have become very scared as she says in real life (sleep talk) "in the name of christ" "in the name of christ" "in the name of christ" in spanish repeatedly. She says things/people before they die and how they die. Spanish is the only language she knows.

I posted in a recent topic of dreams I am starting to have. Before I didn't have such vivid dreams. Maybe it's manifesting in me? The real supernatural ability I've had is knowing when something is going to happen before it does. For example as a kid I was about 6-8 years old and I knew someone was going to rob my house. It just came to me, however something prevented me from telling anyone. Also when I was around 14 I was at a childhood friends house. his dad on sundays goes to the fish store, he is a doctor and has 2 water tanks filled with fish in his office. I went with them. When I stepped out of the car, something told me they are going to steal the license plate but I was prevented from saying something. About 10 minutes inside the store I check outside and his license plate is still on his car. I was saying I guess I was wrong. After he finished purchasing the fish and food (another 15 mins later) we go out and the license plate is gone from his car.

I seem to have lost these abilities as they don't appear anymore. I would like to know how to manifest them once more.
edit on 8-2-2013 by QuickWick because: (no reason given)

Just to make it clear I do not practice wicca, a large part of my family dose though. I really had no interest in it until recently. I see magic as a manipulation tool, you can use it to make your life better or you can use it to make others lifes better. I believe in freedom, so the way I see it manipulation for the good of others is not good because your taking someones freedom away by manipulating them to what you think is right.

When dealing with the occult you want to be very cautious. Their are some seemingly good but powerful and sinister people that dwell with in. Like I said, a big part of it is about manipulation.

Just google duality, its the same teaching as yin and yang. In the occult its tough to take on both aspects of duality to reach enlightenment. Good and evil are opposites but are the same force, they are bound together you cant have one with out the other. Just as EVERY THING has a opposite, you should not deny one side because you cant know one with out the other. Learn both ways act out both way's.
As a baby you wont know what hot is until you touch something hot.

One of the best books you can get for starters is a book called the secret teachings of all ages. Its think and full of information, Use it as a guide to expand you research. It was written around 1910-1928, it can be a little hard to comprehend you just have to stay focused. A strong witch is disciplined, this book will help you gain discipline if you use it the right way.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 10:04 PM
If you want to expand those ability's I have some exercises you should try. Have a friend put a picture into a folder with out you seeing the picture. The idea is not to guess what the picture is of but the details with in the picture. Get a notebook and connect with the picture. Write down details that come to your mind such as emotions, textures, color's shapes, make a list. Have your friend reveal the picture and compare your notes. If you do not have a friend to do this with I would be more then happy to get on a internet chat and do these exercises with you, I need to work on mine as well.

Search Remote viewing. What I talked about above is a stepping stone to gain the ability to see places or things with out actually being next to them. The USA Govt has a remote viewing project, they have mapped out whole military bases, even documents. This is all declassified yet not enough people know about it. Have you seen the movie men who stare at ghost? Basically its the same project. Keep in mind that their is allot of disinformation out their when searching remote viewing, just stay skeptical and question before you draw your conclusions.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 10:17 PM

>>How did you come about becoming a witch/wizard/magician/Wicca/Occultists?

I am pretty sure I was born that way. My imagination/play even as a very small child centered around herbs and potions and magick. This was before cable!

I read a lot as a teen on the subject, married a Satanist. When I was 19 or 20 I started going to Ravenwood where Lady Sintana was high traditional witchcraft was my first real contact with any organized occult group.

I didn't like the drive, or the rules, and decided it wasn't for me- the group thing, the rules thing- so I decided to go solitaire, I met someone very special to me that was doing her best to practice as a solitaire. We teamed up. I divorced my first husband. I knew another witch- we'd been friends, so we started dating and we married. That was interesting. At that time, HE had a group, I had a group and when we got together, a few folks actually started acting INSANE.

Which is why we became hermits. To this day we are very private people, but we do occasionally practice with a larger group.

>>What does Wicca mean to you(a religion, a group of people, etc)?

Wicca is what wicca is. It is ok if that's where you are.
We feel we have moved on from that. It is a very good bridge, IMO - and JMO, from mainstream religions into a the magickal world.

>>Do you have a book of shadow?
I do have a book. I had copied the BOS when I was with my first group. That, however, is NOT my BOS.
My BOS is a very personal account of what I have learned and what has worked. My thoughts on WHY I think it worked, ect.

>>Can dark energy/dark spells ever be good?
Well I guess that depends on who benefits from them!

>>What do you recommend to study and where can you find a listing of spells and materials required etc.
Start with Scott Cunningham. Read Crowley's 777 then put it down. 15 years down the road, read it again.
Study symbols. Start meditating. Grow something. When you are ready, Agrippa.

>>Where/How would one find such a coven or group? How did you find your group?
I dunno? I just never had trouble finding a group. I have trouble NOT finding people. I went to a CHRISTIAN CHURCH once and got caught by my truck by 2 people that were interested in witchcraft and wanted to know if I were Wiccan. That was so weird. I didn't even have a pentacle on or anything like that. I must have a psychic sign over my head.
Go to the Witches' Voice. Look there. Also, try

>>If meeting a group for the first time, would it be ok to be scared and will they understand?
It's fine. It's common and normal. It's ok to make mistakes too.
The HP of a group that we sometimes practice with always manages to laugh when I get this chant wrong.
"Earth my body, water my soul, air my breath and fire my spirit."

Sorry, I'm a Gemini and half dragon. Fire is my breath and AIR is my spirit. I can't say it any other way. lol
If you meet a group and they are not *HUMAN* and *EASY GOING* find yourself another group.
Just don't try to take a lot of pictures. Man that ticks me off. I've seen a newcomer doing that before and I always think they are just informants. Any group that gets any size will get spied on. Sucks. Which is why we only go to a few events a year that are NOT on the right day.

My family is rather funny about that. IE if it is Beltane, it has to be ON Beltane. They think anything else is kinda silly, which is good. We have Beltane at home, and can just go have fun with our group.

It's good to go to Beltane as a first ritual, or Ostara, IMO, especially if you think you might be afraid.
edit on 8-2-2013 by hadriana because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by QuickWick

How did I become a magician?

I was taught when I was fourteen years old by a member from a theosophical society.

What does Wicca mean to me?

Not much, if I'm being completely honest. I have no problem with honoring nature, and worshiping sexual energies equally, and much else that Wicca does. I think their archetypes, deities, and practices are too generalized though. The "Horned God" is not actually a real deity-archetype, but a subclass of the Wild God and the Hunter from hunter/gatherer tribes. The "Great Goddess" even, is not necessarily eternal, or present in every culture. So, for someone who is just beginning I think Wicca is a good spring board, but if you delve deep enough into ancient belief, you'll find much that disagrees with Wicca.

Do I have a Book of Shadows?

Nope. My Guide kept a yearly journal, which was given to flames every Samhain, so as to begin every year fresh. I continue the practice. I find that if you need to keep your records and memories in a book then you're not really remembering them. If it sticks in your head then you truly treasure it, and if not, you create a new method of doing it until it does. Just my personal stance, of course.

~ Wandering Scribe

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by metalholic
reply to post by QuickWick

I was wondering what aspect of the occult you was trying to exploit to bend to your agenda of let's say world take over or satan worship?

As I know those Dominican republicans who are well rounded in english language and grammar always have something up their sleeve especially finding sites like ats rather then what college they can go to to make a huge sum of cash off the american dream.
edit on 8-2-2013 by metalholic because: (no reason given)

I'm not here to begin an argument so please just drop it. If you are here to troll than please just leave this topic. I am genuinely curious but scared and trying to be cautious at the same time and trying to learn.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by Infi8nity

Yes I am quite interested.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by QuickWick

I am genuinely curious but scared and trying to be cautious at the same time and trying to learn.

What exactly are you scared of?


Don't begin until you count the cost.

posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 12:15 AM
How did you come about becoming a witch/wizard/magician/Wicca/Occultists?

I gained knowledge on occult matters. My path was that of dream control, which to my surprise was the exact same thing as occult studies

What does Wicca mean to you(a religion, a group of people, etc)?

It's just another paradigm, a system, same as any other. No system is better than any other, it's how you build or assemble your system that matters. You could base your system on My Little Pony and have it be as effective as any of the traditional paths.

Do you have a book of shadow?

No. Unless you count my dream journal, which has been immensely helpful.

Can dark energy/dark spells ever be good?

Light and dark is all relative. There is no absolute truth. You can view anything an infinite number of ways, but what's important is knowing your point of view is a variable, not constraining yourself to just one, and being free to choose one that suits your immediate purpose.

What do you recommend to study and where can you find a listing of spells and materials required etc.

Jumping right into spells and materials is going to frustrate the hell out of you. Let me use a dream control analogy. A harry potter fan will be able to use wands in a lucid dream much more successfully than a non harry potter fan. This is because they've built up a personal system by reading the books and watching the movies. Attempting spells without first having that foundational system will only lead to failure.

Don't know much about groups or covens, but they are likely to be lifestyle poseurs. Do some work yourself before letting those types of groups pollute your personal system.

Try It's one of the few occult forums that isn't completely full of crap.
edit on 9-2-2013 by The Cusp because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 02:22 AM


posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 04:37 AM


posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 04:46 AM
reply to post by The Cusp

So you are saying you can use both light and dark (be neutral in the sense) for good as long as it's all in your point of view and perspective.

I have read how people worship god or goddesses or a certain deity. So if you worship a god of the light and do some dark magick, would you be punished or looked upon. From what I read when you are a light magick user you are highly scrutinized and there are many rules, which is why people go to the dark.

posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by QuickWick

It's partially point of view, and partly how you are programmed. For me, Light and Dark isn't an issue. It's not something I take the time to think about, so for me it doesn't exist. For you, since you're asking these questions, it's obviously an issue, and will most likely affect you.

Consider the following psych experiment.

By getting the participants to don a lab coat, they performed better on their given task, while those told it was an artist's frock did not gain the same benefits. This is because of the associations we assign to lab coats such as observation, rational thinking, ect. How did the individuals acquire those associations? They got them socially.

Now consider back in the day when gods were plentiful. The idea of gods was also something acquired socially. Most gods have the same sorts of associations as the lab coat. There are fertility gods, war gods, farming gods, ect. By invoking those gods, it does the exact same thing as the lab coat in that experiment, it activates their associations for use by the conscious mind.

For occult purposes, you pick archetypes that have associations you want. But the way those archetypes are configured for most people is completely arbitrary. My current area of study is archetypal engineering. Instead of just working with the archetypal associations I've acquired socially, I'm more concerned with creating or reprogramming them into something that better suits my will.

For some people, Lucifer is evil, for others, he is the light bearer. Neither is right, yet both are true for the individual. Depending on how you are hardwired, those are the rules you have to play by. Studying a path that is contradictory to your personal programming will only lead to frustration.

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