This isnt strictly fiction, well it is but it wasnt meant to be when it was written. I was looking through some old newspapers online and came across
this article. I find the way the paper talks about this is modest at least, with an obvious bias for a certain theory. I wonder what our current
scientific theories will sound like to scicentists in 300 years?
The date of the paper is 1868, only 144 years ago.
This article has been digitaly scanned and translated to text, so there are many mistakes, if you want to see the original scan click below and
enlarge it.
THE SUN AND THE STARS. The recent discovery by Schiaparelli, of Milan, that the orbits of many of the comets are filled with a circulating band of
meteoric stones, explains why the ehrth experiences a star shower nearly every time it rolls through the orbit of a comet. These stones, or such as
reach'the earth, are mostly composed of iron, nickel, cobalt, and phosphorus. Some of them area kind of sandstone. When the meteorities strike our
atmosphere with a velo ' city infinitely greater than the rush of mis siles ejected by human artillery, the friction of the air sets fire to them, and
ere they have penetrated in a vertical direction as much as twenty or thirty miles, the intense heat burns them into powder. If they contain any com
bistible substance, it ignites, so that few ever fid their way unbroken to the earth. Those that -do reach the earth fall in an intensely heated
state. Pieces of ragged meteoric sandstone have been picked up with the jagged edges rounded off in consequence of the partial melting of the stone by
the heat.
'One very remarkable fact connected with the circulation of these small cosmical bodies in space, is that they have given philosophers a clue to the
real cause of the light and heat of the sun. The amount of heat received by the earth from the sun every year is known by experiment and calculation,
and from this the total amount of heat radiated by the sun in all directions has been nearly ascertained. The yearly expenditure of heat by the sun
being known, the question arises, "What keeps up the heat of the sun to compensate for . the annual waste T' Well-established philosophical laws can
be brought to throw light upon the subject. If it were a block of burning coal supplied with sufficient oxy gen to enable it to throw out its observed
amount of heat, the entire mass of the sun would be burnt up in 5,000 years: hence it is concluded that the light and heat of the sun cannot be caused
by common combustion. If it were a hot globe now cooling its heat would cease in less time stilL How, then, is the heat of the sun kept up ?
Whenever motion is suddenly arrested, heat is generated, as in the instance of a cannon bll sriking a target and falling to the ground in a heated
state. This raises the question whether in the sun we have an example of the transformation of mechanical power into heat. Mayer, Sir William Thomson,
and others have largely investigated this subject. The laws of the heat generated by the con cussion of solid bodies being accurately known Professor
Sir William Thomson set himself to work to calculate the amount
f heat which would be generated by each of the planets, did it strike the sun. He
found that each'of the planets falling into the sun would, by the simple act of the concussion, generate enough heat to cover total solar emission for
the following number of years: Mercury, 6 years; -Venus,.83 years; Earth 94 years; SMab , 12 years; Jupiter, 32,240 years ; Sa turn, 9,650 years;.
Uranus, 1,910 years; and Neptune, 1,890 years. If, then, solid Lodies are constantly falling into the sun, here is a possible source of generation of
heat far ex ceeding that which could be caused by com moin combustion
. Since the first publication of these ideas by Dr. Mayer, in 1843, addi tional interest was necessarily thrown upon the facts of the circulation of
large numbers of meteorites in space, and their occasional colli -p?on?fwith the planets. " The sun, being the centre of gravity of the system, would
naturally draw all these bodies towards his own surface. It is of no use to pott-~i telescope to the sun to see these cos mical bodies if they are
these, because neither the moon nor the planets can be seen through a telescope when they are near the sun, such is the brilliancy of the light. But
the zodiacal light, which surrounds the sun obeys the laws of planetary motion; it also appears brighter to ius when in one position than when in
another. The planet Venus, when at a certain angle between the earth and-the sun, reflects more light than at other times, and it is at the same angle
that the zodiacal light is brightest. These facts, al though the proof is not absolute, tend to show that the zodiacal light is reflected from a great
mass of solid bodies circulating round the sun.
Once, as two astronomers were ob serving a large sun spot, they saw a brilliant incandescent body
shoot across it, and - at the same moment the magnetograps at Kew and at Lisbon, which are always in some myste rious manner affected by sun spots,
were vio leiitly agitated. These are a portion of the facts tending to show that the light and heat of the sun are kept up by the constant
showering down of red-hot rocks upon his surface, and, in the present state of philoso phail knowledge, no better cause can be assigned for the
production of the observed effects.
Mr. Mungo Ponton, F.B S.E, in a recently published and interesting philoso phical book, entitled "The Great Architect," promulgates some very curious
ideas, to the effect that there are living organisms in the sun, and that the viewsn- we have indicated are all wrong, But Dr. Balfour Stewart,
superintendent of the British Association Ob servartory at Kew, who has himself made niany new discoveries about the sun, inclines strongly to these
views; so also do Professor Tyndall and the more clear headed of modern philosophers. It is very possible thait some of the meteors whose course
through the heavens is likely to be cut short early to-morrow morniuf are a portion of the fuel which feeds the sun. It is not at all necessary that
the said fuel should be combustible, like coal, for the heat of combustion at the surface of the sun would he as nothing in comparison with the heat
of concussion. If these little meteors are drawn rapidly ito the sun, the ugly question arises whether the earth is going there also, This, as ) et,
jt is impossible to tell. The distance of the earth from the sun cannot be told within several thousand miles. Hence, if we are drawing a quarter of a
mile nearer to it every vyear, astronomers are not able to measure the jmovement. Euck's comet, which is a very iight body, drawing nearer to the sun
at .r eery revolution, is expected eventually to till into it, although some of the heavenly '.,dies have exhibited contractions of thor drbits for a
time and subsequent lengthening ,,,t their original dimensions At all events,Fix this text millionsupons millions of years must elapse Ibefore the
earth can fall into the sun at its present rate of motion, and long before that i?nournrsupplies of coal will be burnt out sl that we may then be glad
of a hotter temperature. - English Papers
edit on 8/2/13 by Cinrad because: (no reason given)