This is an old track from 1983 by Zebra. I think this was some of the best music that came out of the 80's. Also, it seems like every so often a band
comes along that broaches the topic of ET visitation, and I always found the lyrics to this song quite interesting. Enjoy, and share your own thoughts
or music that touched on this topic. I can think of several, but this one will suffice for now.
Not the best video or sound quality, but it is the original that was played on MTV.
[Color=orange]We sailed away
We walked 2 thousand miles
and then we slipped away
We looked so hard
But couldn't seem to find just what
the world was for
Now we know
Just what the journey's for
Looking out to the stars
Think about what you are
What do they think of you
Animals in their zoo
They haven't got the time
Landing's not on their minds
How do they have the nerve
We're animals in preserve
They watch us all
They're only making sure that we
don't trip and fall
Now they look so hard
But they can't tell us why they're
here and just what for
Because they don't know
Who opened up the door
How can we find out more
Who owns the keyless door
Where does the circle end
Who are the unwatched men
Where do we go from here
Faith is a fading fear
Life is a waiting room
I hope they don't call me soon
How much more do you really
think you know than a flower
does about who's behind the door!
I wasn't able to view the video or hear it as I'm stuck in the office right now, but those are some interesting lyrics for sure.
They watch us all
They're only making sure that we
don't trip and fall
..Thought that was neat because it reflects my own views of why the contact between ET's have been so limited/unexposed. They're keeping tabs on us
so we don't destroy this planet full of ample resources
Ahhh... Zebra! I remember them quite fondly. Seemed like they hit the scene, made a huge splash, and then just disappeared. The other song I remember
from them was "Tell Me What You Want".
Great stuff!
Some other bands from that same timeframe/genre that seem to have been lost in the shuffle are Saxon, Riot, and Triumph.
All greats.
Regarding Zebra specifically... My internal "If you like, you'll love" filter is prompting me to suggest Candlebox to those who like the above
video. Different styles and era's but both bands seem to hit me in the same place - emotionally speaking.