posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 02:46 PM
[News Article about Skyscraper in Venezuela]
I wonder how this skyscraper was built, compared to the WTC? It would seem that this MAY not be a fair comparison considering that:
(1) The WT Centers were built with a 'shell' configuration being that the outer walls were load bearing rather than the inner structure, and
(2) That the WT was probably more intese of a fire due to jet fuel versus typical combustibles in the other fire.
(1) The other fire burnt for 20 HOURS!
(2) No sprinklers turned on in the Venezuela fire
(3) The Venezuela skyscraper was probably made from inferior steel, or at least steel that wasn't as strong as the WTC were made from.
Me thinks that this is another notch in the belt tightening around our future president. Who wants to be that - if - he wins the election, some
knowledge and news come out so damning that he either resigns or is impeached?