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I've always been here

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posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 10:41 PM
I have been reading ATS for over ten years........

I laughed at 2012, cried at it being turned into a cage for US partisan political spats and shook my head to see age old sectarian hatreds vomited up dressed in myths formed by 16th century propagandists.

I finally joined because I read a post by a millitant vegetarian that was so crazy I had to reply to it.

Greetings one and all.

If you are currently taking SSRIs I do not value your opinion.

I like the JS Mill backbone of ATS and it's essentally pro freedom of information angle, although I have previously been confused by seeing some posts or threads deleted for no reason.

edit on 5-2-2013 by OldestLurker because: typo

edit on 6-2-2013 by OldestLurker because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by OldestLurker
If you are currently taking SSRIs I do not value your opinion.

Good. We have this out of the way, you can go about ignoring me.

Lurk moar...


posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 11:36 PM
Bad Pharma loves you.

Google head zaps.

While you are at it here is a list of victims of SSRIS

Criminal cases in which SSRIs were used as a defense

You may also be interested in reading 'Bad Pharma' by Ben Goldacre.

Then again this may all just make you a bit angry in which case read this

If You Have These Genes, This Popular Drug Can Trigger Impulsive Violence

Why believe those sources though - here is a list of side effects from the UK National Health service

Side Effects

That's right - psychosis is a side effect. Given that should't anyone who *needs* to take SSRIs be kept in an institution so the rest of us can get on with life.

It is not suprising to find a great deal of people on this medication drawn to both conspiracy sites and new age forums - paranoia, psychosis etc etc to the detriment of genuine truth seekers.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 11:44 PM
anyone interested with open information is bound to be a good sort,

i guess you have seen alot over 10 years of lurking


posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 11:56 PM
Welcome to your official joining of ats. Wow lurking for 10yrs hay!!! I guess you've seen a hell of a lot.

"If you are currently taking SSRIs I do not value your opinion. "

To be honest I had to google what it was your talking about here and surprised really
. Not sure why you've mentioned it, obviously you have reasons. Are they really that bad? Anyway, welcome although I'm not far of newbie myself.

Eta: instead of google, I could have followed the links from above poster I suppose, interesting.
edit on 6-2-2013 by feelingconnected because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by feelingconnected

Thanks folks - maybe someone already has a thread on SSRIs but if you want to start one using the post above feel free.

The internet took a dive after 1999 and if I could travel back in time and delete two things they would hegel (there fore both communism and fascism) and the vortex of nonsense that was/is zetatalk.

What's not to love in the fiction of John Titor or rehashed versions of the fundementally flawed 'chariots of the gods', or the second rate propagandists of dying dictatorships like Lybia and Syria creaping on here to polish the boots of their great dictators....Great stuff. I enjoy it every single time Noahs ark is found and I just love dommers imagination (I suspect Hollywood script writers lurk for inspiration). The teeth gratingly awful spectale of the indigo children scam...........

I fear the real conspiracies that exist too often can not even be mentioned, it would simply be to dangerous to discuss on the hyperlie machine that is the net, just with anyone you knew and trusted for many many years.(at which point they will always say it would be best for your own safety not to talk to anyone about it
) yet bad pharma is worth punting out there. I wonder if DNA tests were conducted on recent mass murders who were mostly known to be on these drugs would they all share the effected gene.....

.ATS in it's infancy was very very different to what it is now. What it was originally would probably be far to risky for this new world we now live in. It;s a long time since I heard anyone mention something like . Phrack.




posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by OldestLurker

I know all about SSRI medications.

And still fail to see how 'head zaps' and 'psychosis' renders someone's opinion irrelevant to you. As a disclaimer, it's ignorant. If someone, anyone, puts forward an inane view, that is the issue. Not what medication that are on.

Sounds like you have your audience, I'm not in it. BTW, I'm not on an SSRI.

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 04:01 AM

Originally posted by winofiend
reply to post by OldestLurker

I know all about SSRI medications.

And still fail to see how 'head zaps' and 'psychosis' renders someone's opinion irrelevant to you. As a disclaimer, it's ignorant. If someone, anyone, puts forward an inane view, that is the issue. Not what medication that are on.

Sounds like you have your audience, I'm not in it. BTW, I'm not on an SSRI.

I agree with this & find it interesting to exclude opinions of people based on what medication the take. Each to their own I suppose.

edit on 6-2-2013 by feelingconnected because: Because

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 05:05 AM

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posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by OldestLurker

Welcome OldestLurker,

Talk about hitting the ground running, but you obviously should do a thread on SSRI meds.
And you've been lurking long enough, me not so much but I doubt anyone's going to start a thread you suggest to them with no work put in or their own behalf. Clearly to a topic you have much to say on so you should go ahead.

I fear the real conspiracies that exist too often can not even be mentioned

What's a real conspiracy or any examples. Funny thing to say given your Lurk Time

reply to post by winofiend

If someone, anyone, puts forward an inane view, that is the issue. Not what medication that are on. Sounds like you have your audience, I'm not in it. BTW, I'm not on an SSRI.

This makes sense and this is good to be brought up on an introduction post. For me prejudice and predisposed viewpoints will put walls up and block the flow of information big time. All comments I read I assess based on the merits of what is being said and not if they're on medication, a Christian, I think their avatar creeps me out or don't watch Oprah. You immediately close off avenues to yourself if you do this. I find anyway.

"Deny Ignorance"

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 09:08 PM
I don't have anything against people on SSRIs. In fact they have my sympathy because what Pharma has done to them is alter their brain perhaps permently without them having adequate foreknowldge of what was in effect a receptor lobotomy being performed on them.

One of the side effects is cheerfully classified as 'mental agitation'. I don't value the rational powers of individuals who are on SSRIs. Maybe they can outdo Munchs 'the scream' if they have talent or direct the effects artiistically but when it is a matter of rational discussion.

If I was to have an analogy, debating theism with someone who was on '___' would be an extremely tedious and worthless task for the individual not on '___'.

We don;t value heroin addicts or the ravings of coke addicts. This man summaries the issues with SSRIS and what they do and the addictive effect well

Perhaps you find me harsh but I have sen entire forums derailed and destoyed by folk being hammered by the effects of SSRIs. They can make literally thousands of posts especially when first on the drugs. The moment of revelation comes when the ore interesting posters have been driven off and they finally they create a thread to start discussing their 'meds' and which one to switch to because their current choice has 'stopped woprking'..

It's not much fun talking to a drunk when you are not drunk witth them......

I have never taken them but I have seen friendships and families destroyed by their effects and I loath SSRIs and the effects they have on people. I have nothing but sympathy for their victims and for the victims of recent killing sprees in the USA.

It's a big dollar if you are unconcerned about destoying a nation or a society so as to enrich yourself.

Here is a graph of lobby spending by Big Pharma in the USA. Nearly a quarter of a billion dollars in 2012 alone was spent just on lobbying politicians.

Pharma Lobby Money 2012

No genetic testing of spree killers to analyse whether they share the gene that results in aggression when exposed to SSRIs has been conducted. No analysis of what SSRIs they had taken in the weeks leading up to the assacres has been made.

None will be made. 1/4 Billion buys a lot of silence.

Profits are huge and Big Pharma sees a big dollar in doping peoples children to. Something that a few dollars in the right pockets has helped happen and is happening. However the drugs themselves are rarely if ever trialed on children and their effects in particular on teenagers may never be fully published,

Clinical trial data that is available is massively censored under the guise of commercial interest and medical knowledge is liited so that big dollar can keep rolling in. The more addicts their are the mor dollars their are.

If you want a real conspiracy - there it is.

edit on 6-2-2013 by OldestLurker because: Fixed links

edit on 6-2-2013 by OldestLurker because: fixing youtube link

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