I'm thinking about introducing somebody to the whole Illuminati Conspiracy stuff and am looking for people's help to share with me any most
impressive videos that are out there to do it.
I can't think of the most fitting one on my own as my whole conspiracy knowledge came from years of listening to Coast2CoastAM and sort of
unorganized random internet suring.
This is a neat one I know about but It might not be the best one for a newbie, so please let me know of any suggestions for me to check out.
This is an extremely important documentary that everyone needs to watch at least once, whether you are aware of the 'situation' or not... it goes
into some very informative specifics which will assist you when ever you get the urge to tell others of the aforementioned 'situation'.
Edward Bernays is only one man.
There are many like him, whose names we may never be privy too.
You might do well to simply search youtube for coast2coast episodes that dealt with this particular topic. I am sure it would be easier for you to
answer your friend's question, since you have probably already heard the segments.
Also, here is a very short film from 'Stuff They Don't Want You to Know', detailing the concept of Illuminati in just a few minutes:
Not sure if this next video is the same as one of the above, if so, please pardon pardon the the redundancy.
The next one is a bit longer, but still under the 20 minute mark. It may contain pieces or entire episodes of the above videos, if so...
The following video focuses on the North American Union. A plan that involves Mexico, United States, and Canada, which many people link to the
Illuminati. Whether it is related in such a way, I don't know, maybe
Next up is a video that attempts to inform the audience of a possible connection between the music industry and the Illuminati:
There is a ton of stuff available by simply searching youtube. If you know some of the lore associated with the Illuminati over the years, you should
be able to discern which ones you find most accurately describe your own understanding of the Illuminati.
Hope this helps and good luck waking your friend up!
The next video is one that has a polarizing effect on many who watch it. Some are intrigued and others disgusted. One thing is certain, it makes
people think outside the box. It may not have a lot to do with Illuminati in general, but it is sure to help wake your friend up a bit.
edit on 4-2-2013 by esteay812 because: I needed to add a bit more information
if completely asleep then i would tread VERY slowly and a video describing the whole game will likely just turn them off. just start with 911 vids and
go from there.
I think you should put a small compilation together from this op If enough good ones show up.
Would like to contribute but my hand is broken and sore.
Sorry... little off topic but do you know who that wrestler was in the first vid?
When I first saw that awhile back... I was just thinking wow! And what better
audience to set straight! lol.
edit on 4-2-2013 by SnakeShot because: (no reason given)
edit on 4-2-2013 by SnakeShot because:
(no reason given)
I think a lot depends where your friends are culturally and geographically, I would recommend the Zeitgeist movies, there's enough info in them to
start asking questions but they're fairly light and accessible for most people.
Looks like the author has abandoned this thread... I wonder if they found what they were looking for?
The vanishing author is a common magic trick for several ATS members and each time it makes me wonder....
Could this author be engaging in 'Thread Sliding'?
Since it was not really difficult to find an immense amount of information by simply searching YouTube, or the web in general, is why I get suspicious
about threads similar to this one....
If it is an attempt at 'Thread Sliding', I wonder if there is a way to see all the threads that were opened on ATS several minutes before this one was
Maybe there is no ulterior motive by the author, but it does raise a suspicious 'Maybe So'...
Whether or not it was a real attempt to slide, there have been quite a few good videos posted by other members.
It can be a good compilation for anyone who is truly interested in the ideas that describe the Illuminati and conspiracies tied to other nefarious
secret societies
edit on 5-2-2013 by esteay812 because: (no reason given)
Thread sliding is a tactic used by some to distract from and hide or bury a different thread on a forum.
The idea is that if someone else has posted a thread with information that certain people do not want to be exposed. Those people or person will post
numerous and somewhat meaningless other threads to reduce the visibility of the thread that contains the info and unwanted exposure.
This will cause the thread to "slide" down on the new topics list. Thus making it less visible to other people.
People who engage in "thread sliding" are usually suspected to be shills or disinfo agents.