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Complaint about my driving

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posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 10:49 PM
Living in a college town, where Texas A&M is, I have seen some horrible drivers. We don't even have snow to contend with either. What you did sounds perfectly fine to me, as long as you were off the road. If so, you did nothing wrong. I have noticed that too many people have no patience when they are driving. They have to go fast, thinking that they are actually saving some time. Depending on how far they are driving, the time that will be saved just is not worth it in any case. At most an average commuter is going to save no more than 10 minutes, if that, by driving the way they do, but they will expose themselves to much more risk. Not a good tradeoff in my opinion.

The person who lodged a complaint against you was obviously not a good person, or the type of person I would want as a friend or relative. They probably fit the description I gave above of the drivers who go too fast, simply because they lack both patience and common sense. They do not realize just how dangerous driving actually is, or how they are making it more dangerous by doing what they do. Swerving in and out of traffic, speeding, etc. I have never driven in that kind of snow, but I have driven in fog so thick that I could not see 4 feet in front of my car, and I can imagine a blizzard is similar to that. I was probably going around 40 mph in those conditions, if that, because I did not want to run up on someone's back end. Had I done that, it would have been MY fault for driving too fast. Same goes for the moron who complained to your boss.

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

heh i woulda been like ok ok buddy calm down got in my car drove 10 feet and showed him i was calling the cops lol ^^

stupid drunk lol

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by superman2012
reply to post by BlastedCaddy

I'm not that good of a guy, I was kind of hoping that the other vehicle would be in the ditch further up and I could just drive by (as long as it looked like they went straight in) to teach them a lesson.

wishful thinking

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by snowspirit

That is exactly the reason that I think everyone should be required to get a CDL, period. I wasn't a truck driver, but I used to drive a large pickup and 20 ft trailer, and it is amazing how stupid people are around you.

If they understood what it was like to drive a large vehicle, maybe they wouldn't drive like jagoffs.

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by superman2012

Good for you man!

I drive like a Grandpa when there is snow on the ground because I am freaked out!
People usually ride my arse on the road because of it and when they pass, I am usually thinking to myself "I'll see you down the road in a ditch".
-It never happened that way though until yesterday!

Guy rode my arse for a couple miles then finally decided to pass me and stare at me while doing so. A few minutes down the road and SLIP. Saw the guy spin out into a ditch.
I slowed down, didn't get out of my car but yelled to him, "you okay?"
He just looked at me all pissed.....
So I smiled and drove off.

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 12:08 PM
It's about someone hitting your vehicle or swerving from hitting it and wreaking theirs. They could sue your company for as much as possible. And then you'd lose your job.

I would have done the same as you. Its about company liability and the big "IF". Your bosses dont care...only if you moved the company vehicle completely off the road and out of the way. THEN you couldve gone "good samaritan".

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 03:43 PM
You did the right thing.

I could say a million things about your boss or the guy who called to report you, but that doesn't matter. How other people behave and what their priorities are should have little to do with the way you were raised.

You acted the way a human being should act. They acted the way the current and failing society conditioned them to act.

You did the right thing.

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 03:50 PM
I live not even 3 miles from my work along some back roads that are the last to be cleared, they are almost single track with passing places dotted all along the road. A couple years back i was driving to my work in the morning after a fairly hefty fall. I only have a standard 2 wheel drive car and had sometone in a 4x4 all over my exhaust so i pulled in to let him past and let him cause his own accident. Not even 30 seconds later over the brow of a hill i see him force someone into a passing place on a really nasty camber, he had ample time to pull his 4x4 into a much better place and let the 2wd guy carry on.

In the end the guy in the 2wd was totaly stuck but the guy just drove on without a care. I pulled up and managed to help the guy out.

Best part comes this year early december, now snow but patches of black ice. Same guy in the 4x4 must have tried to dip in and out of one of the passing places at speed, lost the back end and it put him round 90 degrees into the ditch. I much have been not much more than 30 seconds late to see it as 2 or 3 cars had already pulled up and were helping him out of the car.

Just goes to show, might not happen soon, but it will happen if they don't learn to drive to the conditions.

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by mysterioustranger

That's true about the liability though. I was off the road and on the shoulder, completely out of the driving lane, so I think I was safe. Plus, if the moron hit me from behind, it would have been his fault...I wonder if he/she called in to complain while driving in the whiteout!? lol

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by resoe26

Karma is a mean bitch. Thanks for sharing!

posted on Feb, 6 2013 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by superman2012

Hello again Superman! I think even if you saved a life from certain death.. that company would have said "Great job! But you shouldve called for help instead of stopping"...and then they'd be fired.

It happens all the time. Do a GREAT deed....and the company says "but you were on company time and in a company vehicle".

I work for one of the BIG 3 auto companies in Michigan. Just to show the indifference they can exhibit...a pedestrian employee was hit in an onsite crosswalk. When I mentioned the fading yellow markings, I was told "So what! They didnt DIE did they? Do you know how much we pay for insurance? Time we got our money"s worth."

One day they had me remove 10 floors worth of First Aid boxes! They didnt want us to any longer give out band-aids even. Liability again. So when someone DID get hurt, I'd go to my own ERT bag and get a cool pack or bandaid...because it was the right thing to do, you know?

Liability. Always what could happen to them. Always. Liability. It sux. And it's irresponsible not to help someone anytime theres trouble. I stop all the time. I dont care. I'd rather stop than not. Company be damned....

Thanx again S! MS

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by mysterioustranger

Good job! People like you are what is right with this world.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by superman2012

I dont want any credit SMAN....its just the right thing to do. You know? Thanks for the support....

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