posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 10:49 PM
Living in a college town, where Texas A&M is, I have seen some horrible drivers. We don't even have snow to contend with either. What you did sounds
perfectly fine to me, as long as you were off the road. If so, you did nothing wrong. I have noticed that too many people have no patience when they
are driving. They have to go fast, thinking that they are actually saving some time. Depending on how far they are driving, the time that will be
saved just is not worth it in any case. At most an average commuter is going to save no more than 10 minutes, if that, by driving the way they do, but
they will expose themselves to much more risk. Not a good tradeoff in my opinion.
The person who lodged a complaint against you was obviously not a good person, or the type of person I would want as a friend or relative. They
probably fit the description I gave above of the drivers who go too fast, simply because they lack both patience and common sense. They do not realize
just how dangerous driving actually is, or how they are making it more dangerous by doing what they do. Swerving in and out of traffic, speeding, etc.
I have never driven in that kind of snow, but I have driven in fog so thick that I could not see 4 feet in front of my car, and I can imagine a
blizzard is similar to that. I was probably going around 40 mph in those conditions, if that, because I did not want to run up on someone's back end.
Had I done that, it would have been MY fault for driving too fast. Same goes for the moron who complained to your boss.