reply to post by daskakik
I guess the sense of urgency came from this sudden realization, again, I only had this thought a few days ago, that on top of how it seems like
everything in this country is leading towards all hell. It's getting harder for people, and if you're unaffected by it, then I count you lucky. My
family is not middle class, we're barely even upper lower class, however, we are the most loving caring people, and everyone of us, across this
country are struggling.
So we have a shotty economic situation, that's not too bad...unless we go ahead and tag that up with ever escalating conflicts with countries all
around the globe. So it's definitely seems to building to a boiling point.
Now, if my theory is correct, then we need to come up with a solution, you're right, I didn't present one, nor do I claim to have one, but I hope to
open this discussion for some options:
Here's my theory:
All species must come to a defining moment during its evolution where it must put aside destructive tendencies and take responsibilities for the
knowledge that its learned, or destroy itself and have to relearn all the secrets all over again.
I came to this theory while deducting that during the course of its evolution, the evolving species will learn the physics of nature, which contains
all the knowledge needed to not only destroy itself but explore the depths of space.
Now, in the timeline of our entire galaxy (14 billion years if I that catchy intro tune for the big bang is accurate) well then I say that the mere
6000 years it took for humans to evolve from a cuneiform form of handwriting, to tablet computers in nearly every home! This is quite a feat, but the grand scheme of things, no time at all...
In between that time, we've had tribes form cities, and states and civilizations and empires, and lines drawn...but we were still learning, and the
things we learned we kept them to ourselves (our cities, or our tribes or our states) because we're afraid that that knowledge could be used against
us, the big stuff got out it always does!
So everyone gets their hands on bows and arrows, and then gun power, then machine guns, then goes on.
Here's where I think my theory is important, the next phase in knowledge has more destructive capabilities than any other shown so far, and if a
species is allowed to evolve then their destructive capabilities are evolved as well.
So I think a major overhaul is needed in our society, an overhaul that will not happen overnight, and the idea needs to be presented, and it needs to
be accepted, and it needs to be revolutionary.
There is urgency, the urgency is that this needs to happen soon, I would love to discuss what people would think an evolved society would look like,
cause that's what it will need to be, a society better than capitalist america, What I will claim, that in its prime, it was the most evolved
society. The better society needs make that america look like the dark ages!
I'm sorry this took so long to reply back, again, this is a fresh idea that I have, and I wanted to think about it some more. I still feel it's
inevitable that this moment is experienced by all species, I don't know if I'm getting my full thoughts on the matter across or not, but I feel that
eventually all evolving species will discover nuclear powers, and during the discoveries, there will be conflicts as the species's chiefs attempt to
gain control over the resources and land, and these conflicts will lead to weaponizing the powers discovered. So before the weapons are used, I think
the species need to come up with a solution, or start from the beginning.